Who is most at risk of H1N1 swine influenza?

U.S. Most cases of swine H1N1 influenza in children and young adults over the age. We do not know why, and it is unclear whether this will change.

However, some groups are particularly at risk of serious illness or poor performance when you have the flu:

1. Young children, especially those under 12 months

2. The elderly are at high risk of influenza illness is serious. Nevertheless relatively few cases of swine influenza have occurred in people over 65 years.

3. People with cardiovascular disease (except) for hypertension

4. People with liver problems

5. People with kidney problems

6. People with blood diseases like sickle cell anemia

7. People with neurological disorders

8. People with neuromuscular diseases

9. People with metabolic diseases like diabetes

10. People with immune deficiencies, including HIV infection and drugs that suppress the immune system, such as chemotherapy or transplant rejection

11. The residents of a nursing or other chronic diseases

People in these groups should be treated once symptoms of influenza.

A surprising number of adults with severe complications of swine influenza have been developed for morbid obesity. However, obesity itself seems to be the problem. Most of extremely obese people suffering from respiratory and / or diabetes, seem to be the real reason for their influence serious complications.

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