pigs and treatment of flu symptoms

Influenza is a respiratory disease in pigs caused by a virus known as H1N1. The new strain of H1N1 is a deadly mixture of viruses from pigs, poultry and humans. If symptoms are sudden fevering, cough, fatigue and muscle pain. We also have diarrhea and vomiting as normal influenza.

The strains of the disease, as is often transmitted from person to person. Rarely, the virus mutates into a form that can pass from human to human. The strain of the flu epidemic has mutated to understand, and must remain for long.

The swine influenza cans be prevented or cured? There is no vaccine that can prevent this disease. Drugs such as Tamiflu and Relenza are effective if taken at first.

Is it safe to eat pork? Swine influenza is not transmitted through consumption of pork and its products, including sausages, hams and sausages. However, this is a good exercise, pigs above 70 ° C, which kills the virus cook. Risk factors: according to medical experts, people are exposed, if the spread of swine fever or swine, with works that are at risk of developing swine flu.
The virus is called swine flu, due to its surface proteins that are similar to viruses that normally infect pigs. The industry of pork in the United States is the pressure on officials to change the name of the disease because this infected pig disease that has spread between people.

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