However the obvious symptoms of influenza are fevering and pain in joints and muscles of the body, fatigue, discharge, sore throat, cough, nausea, mild or severe diarrhea, high fever with chills.
Base on the natural resources of Ayurvedic medicine, neem extract, pepper extract, elderberry extract and ginger, all the miracles of work, reducing the symptoms of swine flu.
Medicinal plants with triphala, Guduchi, Divya Amrita Giloy and overtime against the symptoms of pain and cure the malaise of swine influenza completely. To prevent the continued use of these herbal medicines at recommended doses, it helps the natural disease of swine influenza. This means that the natural treatment to eliminate infection of the body and strengthening the power of immunity and the creation of the natural resistance to disease.
Restrictions in diet and consumption of vitamin C, D fortified foods help improve the body's immune system. This remains a burden, but the influence very effective remedy herbal remedy for the prevention of plague.
A mixture of vegetables and a tablespoon of honey 6times ½ Teaspoon of cinnamon powder should be taken for 5 days for patients with the swine flu. These simple remedies natural remedies for problems such as sore throat, nasal congestion and cold symptoms.
The inhalation of steam for 5-6 leaves of basil are a good job against influenza-like symptoms of fever and lung congestion in context.
Chewing cloves of garlic in the morning is a reliable means of herbal remedies for symptoms of swine flu.
Drink tea with lemon help with symptoms such as headache, cough, etc.
Those who are lactose intolerant should not groped to remedy this situation: to provide a glass of warm milk with a pinch of turmeric, along with alleviating the symptoms of malaise.
Extract from the new plant Aloe Vera is taken with water in the morning at regular intervals that the great works against infection with influenza virus. Bird flu, people involved, should benefit from these funds for the rapid and comfort to those who are suffering from flu, take these natural remedies to strengthen the power of immunity of the body.
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