The symptoms of bird flu in humans

Avian flu is another word for birds. If infection is the infection rate of influenza virus and then later, people are often of a name that invokes the beast, that the original virus reflects the fact. Fever and now avian flu in humans are rare. If we are talking about the bird flu or avian influenza, efforts to combat this phenomenon to combat it. To combat avian influenza in humans, the public should be aware of this threat, habits and attitudes, good health, to prevent contamination.

Although wild birds carrying the virus usually have no symptoms. Such poultry (chickens, ducks and turkeys) in which causes symptoms of bird flu, and sometimes death. The symptoms in poultry can cause mild encouragement and produce eggs with a low or a serious disease that many organs and causes of death in 90-100% of herds affected within 48 hours. They believed that the degree of infection, the difference between symptoms of the virus strain in birds.

Human cases of avian flu are rare. However, 253 confirmed cases reported since 2003, prepared according to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO). 148 deaths worldwide, H5N1, which has been attributed to the reason that is provided through an enormous effort to monitor and control avian influenza and the public on management practices.

The symptoms of bird flu in humans in many countries in Asia and the Middle East report, but the majority occurred in small villages and remote areas in Indonesia and Vietnam. Most confirmed, cases through contact with infected birds, domestic or contact surfaces with faeces and fluid from infected birds, contaminated with lead. The symptoms of bird flu human flu are typical symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough and body aches. However, he confirmed sometimes, symptoms of eye infections, pneumonia, respiratory diseases, severe respiratory problems and other serious complications of life and were threatening. As with poultry, estimates of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that the wide spectrum of symptoms of bird flu in humans may depend on the strain of bird flu infects humans.

To confirm a human case of bird flu, the patient should have positive staining in the throat or nose. Alternately, two blood tests. Although it is highly contagious among birds, and not the symptoms of bird flu does not spread easily from person to person contact. The only confirmed cases of avian flu through contact with infected persons are between the family members who are in close contact with the person, the symptoms of bird flu remains. This is very different and SARS, the seasonal flu viruses are highly contagious from human to human. Government officials hope these efforts to combat bird flu to prevent and control the probability that it could mutate into a form that spread easily from person to person, like other forms of the virus, the virus mutates, but experts are very good how and why cannot predict what the outcome of bird flu in humans.

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