As the flu spreads the porcupine? Is their air?

New swine flu virus spreads like the flu are common. You can pick up germs directly via droplets of coughs and sneezes from an infected person or touching something to offer recently addressed, and then touching your eyes, mouth or nose, the seeds of their own infection. Therefore, you must wash your hands should develop the habit, even if they get sick. Infecting people can transmit flu germs starts days before the onset of symptoms and released seven days after the patient according to the CDC.

Swine influenza virus may begin when you cough or sneeze, no nose and mouth, sending the germs in the air. Ferret studies suggest that the swine flu does not spread easily through droplets in the air, not the seasonal influenza. However, published in this form, and may begin to spread more quickly adapt the virus for the entire history of human beings.

New swine influenza virus is a virus spread to humans by humans and not pigs. The only way to win new swine flu, is another person.

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