Swine influenza to treat with homeopathy

According to doctor, the practice of homeopathy for a long period of time, this alternative is the potential of medicine, both the prevention and treatment of swine flu, without side affects.

Unable to perform Translation:invalid textHomeopaths are developing a proposal for the Ministry of Health to offer their services to resolve the crisis.

Unable to perform Translation:invalid text"Based on the symptoms, homeopathy can be effective treatment for the eradication of influence. Moreover, no side effects," Harcharanjeet Kaur, a homeopath homeopathy Baksons of the clinic, the 'he said.

Unable to perform Translation:invalid textThe example of the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918 says that more than 50 million people, lives have been cited. At this point, only 1.05% of the population, treatment, died, while about 28% of the population died for allopathic treatments.

Unable to perform Translation:invalid text"Gelsemium and Bryonia are homeopathic medicines that are considered effective against the H1N1 strain time. They could very useful, even today," says the famous homeopath MukeshBatra.

Unable to perform Translation:invalid textAfter Jaipur base Manish Bhatia homeopaths homeopathy works because of symptoms and not the disease.

Unable to perform Translation:invalid text"In homeopathy, this is a concept called epidemicus Genus. That is to say when there is an epidemic and take the symptoms to 15, the condition of man in a domain, you can see a general trend. Because of medications you -- for symptoms. The drug, although the inhabitants of this territory, may be viewed as preventive medicine, "said Bhatia phone.

Unable to perform Translation:invalid text swine flu Symptoms such as runny nose, fever, sneezing and inertia is the same common swine influenza and influenza patients but those sufferings from swine influenza have gastrointestinal problems such as nausea and vomiting.

Unable to perform Translation:invalid text"Because of symptoms may be different from other drugs for treating cases of swine influenza. One or two of these drugs is more often than others and can be prevented by other drugs," said Bhatia.
Unable to perform Translation:invalid textRegarding the issue of non-adoption of homeopathy by WHO, Bhatia replied, \ "the WHO is based on statistical data, before advising governments in the fight the disease. And there is no study on the effectiveness of homeopathy for prevent or treat the virus. It cans not therefore recommend homeopathy.

Unable to perform Translation:invalid text"Given the fact that homeopathy, a group of physicians to develop a proposal for government to provide services for the treatment of cases of swine influenza" Bhatia said.

Unable to perform Translation:invalid text"In Brazil, the homeopathic medicine doctors" the Community shall provide the data on symptoms of swine influenza and homeopathic treatments for the swine flu symptoms 2009 and spread the word of their effectiveness on the Web, "he added.
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One response to “Swine influenza to treat with homeopathy”

Swine flu is very dangerous disease. Its almost fatal. Normally many practitioners prescribe Relenza and Tamiflu for the viral infection. But there are lot of people whose swine flu is being treated by Homeopathic treatments and it has been very effective since homeopathy has no side effects, but disadvantage of that is, its effects can be destroyed by the effects of smoking, pungent smells, coffee, camphor or petrol smell. So one have to take care of. To know more on swine flu and homeopathy, refer Homeopathy

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