The Great Influenza Pandemic Flu
E 'in the nature of all influenza pandemics to cause disease and death. About seasonal influenza, most patients with pandemic influenza will be at home with his family and friends will be treated. This manual was written to take care of patients with influenza patients with mild to severe at home without medical training.
A pandemic lasts 12 to 18 months at this time half the people on Earth who are sick. It is often mild to moderate disease, but some are very sick. This guide will help you take, care of these people at home using simple methods and not rely on medicines, medical devices or medical training.
Sometimes, during a severe pandemic, hospitals will be filled with sick and dying from lack of space for new patients. Access to doctor may be limited. Medical care and medicines may be low. When these things happen, like people, you will find medical education unprecedented, very hurt by their parents and friends who under normal circumstances would be treated by a doctor at the hospital. Home cares, although not to the standards of hospital care, but can be very effective. The simple methods in this guide are those that use the power of patients with the most common causes of preventable deaths from influenza, such as prevention,
What is good home care "for flu?
Good home cares is nine parts common sense and simple practice of medicine. Caring for someone with the flu will be a familiar task for those who care for their families to health in the past, because along with simple processing techniques.
Treatment of influenza Kit
Proper care for families and friends of the sick birds is a task that is easier with a good supply of select prescription drugs, medical equipment and parts of the food or hardware store. These elements are the mainstay of treatment for influenza Kit (FTK).
Treatment of influenza Kit items for one person
Grocery Products
• Table salt: 1 pounds (for the production of oral rehydration solutions for gargling and nasal wash)
• Table sugar: 10 kg (for the production of oral rehydration solutions)
• Baking soda: 6 oz (for the production of oral rehydration solutions and nasal wash)
• Bleach, odorless 2 gal (for purifying water and cleaning contaminated, objects)
• caffeinated tea bags or dry loose: £ 1 (for the treatment of respiratory symptoms)
• Two 8 oz plastic bottle nipples1 level (for the administration of oral rehydration solutions, or seriously ill)
• Two bottles of 16 oz plastic nozzle with adjustable compression s (for the administration of oral rehydration solutions for the disease)
• Two Kitchen measuring cups with over 500 cup cc (two) of capacity (for measuring many things)
• A set of kitchen measuring spoons 1 / 8 C. Te con 1 cucchiaino di brodo (per le soluzioni orali e dosaggio)
• Fifty Straws (for administering fluids easier)
• A style of composition of the book (for the operation of a medical history) in patients
• Teakettle2 () steam
FTK Items found in pharmacy
• Vaseline 4oz3 (for lubrication of tubes, suppositories, and skin protection)
• pure cocoa butter 2 oz4 (for the production of suppositories and skin treatment and protection)
• An accurate bathroom scale (to weigh)
• Two electronic thermometers5 (custom) temperature
• Automatic monitoring of blood pressure (to measure blood pressure)
• Humidifiers (to increase the moisture from the patient)
• ease cutting pill (to reduce the dose, if desired)
• 1 box of Latex gloves # 100, (to reduce pollution and the spread of viruses and bacteria)
Without a prescription
• 200 mg of ibuprofen (Motrin ®) # 100 tablets (for treatment of flu symptoms)
• diphenhydramine (Benadryl ®) capsules of 25 mg # 100 (for the treatment of flu symptoms)
• Robitussin DM ® Cough syrup or disadvantages) for its generic equivalent (12 oz) (for the treatment of cough
• 500 mg of acetaminophen (Tylenol ®) # 100 tablets (for treatment of flu symptoms)
• Loperamide 2mg # 100 tables (for diarrhea and abdominal cramps)
• Meclizine 25mg # 100 tablets (for nausea and vomiting)
FTK Items found in hardware
• N-95 masks # 20 (2Box) (to reduce the spread of the disease and the patient)
• 50-liter plastic garbage container with a solid (used to store drinking water)
Abbreviations: lb = pound, oz = oz, gal = gallon, # = number, cc = cubic centimeters, c. = Teaspoon of tea, c. = Tablespoon, mg = milligrams, h = hours
Useful home care medical procedures
The home care workers are better able to assess and treat their patients, learning some simple medical procedures. This includes the patient's vital signs of signs: pulse, blood pressure, temperature, weight and respiratory rate. Blood pressures is easily measured with an automatic control of blood pressure. Follow the instructions to learn how to use the device. The impetus has given to the reading of the sphygmomanometer. It cans be measured directly the pulse on your wrist and count how many shots to spend 15 seconds multiplied by 4 The temperature is measured directly with a digital thermometer. The patient's weight is measured on a scale of standards and best taken with the patient lightly dressed without shoes and in each same time, every day. Observe and count the breaths, for 15 seconds are taken and multiplied by the number 4, the breathing of the patient. "La pratica rende perfetti" si riferisce alla formazione e al perfezionamento di tali competenze.
How is influenza spread from person to person
Do not worry about contact with the concerns of influence, because it will lead. Almost everyone is vulnerable to a new strain of influenza. There is nothing unusual about this, pandemics are events that occur regularly, with a passport from an average of 3 times every century. Humanity is well prepared to suffer from this pandemic, and jump as we have often in the past. Pandemic flu is very contagious, it is natural that most of the population of the HIV virus before it is put under control by the immune system of the body. About half of those exposed to the virus have flulike symptoms, and the other half will be very little or even no symptoms. Thus, while all are vulnerable to a new strain, for reasons I do not understand half of today, only of people exposed to the disease.
Another influenza pandemic is so easily passed from person to person that person are living with HIV are asymptomatic for one or two days after the beginning of the spread of the virus. Once symptoms begin, adults shed virus for about five days, but children and people with immune deficiency of two week's can make.
The most common way to get the flu is by breathing the virus. Coughing or sneezing, as the virus enters the air. Influenza could spread when someone touches someone or something is a virus that life in it. Here, the disease is, access to the main body through the mouth, enter the intestine. Alle condizioni di calore e umidità , il virus influenzale può Rimanere su superfici quali controsoffitti o maniglie pochi giorni infettive. In winter you can remain infectious in cold water for a month. If you can keep the sick with the flu can put a patient in the neighborhood. However, if you do not need to take to help a sick relative or friend with the virus, this strategy is feasible. Ultimately, many people tend to be exposed to the virus. It 'only a matter of time.
The use of latex gloves and a mask, N-95 face in caring for the sick mask and clothing, gloves and shoes when you leave the area of a patient is a means of protecting the parts of the house where the people live in good health. In reality, a person, the pandemic influenza is very contagious, care for the sick in their homes have been repeatedly exposed to the virus to take, no matter what you measure. Activities such as patient care in the bathroom, change clothes and wash the dirty clothes, or just to breathe the air near the disease led to the request. Most people are exposed to one or more family members or friends to care for patients during the pandemic, it is unlikely to be avoided.
Coughing and wash hands
Two simple but effective tips to reduce the spread of the virus from the nose and mouth with a cloth or a tissue when coughing or blowing your nose and wash your hands after contact with a patient. Coughs or sneezes in his hand is not recommended because the virus has, spread to all persons likely to contact you. However, if the fabric is not available, cough or sneeze into the inside the elbow or the sleeve of his arm. Use soaps, water and a cloth to wash their hands or use alcohol gel without water again.
The virtue of purity
To celebrate To help reduce the virus at home, sick, clean and dry. Patient should be linen and bathroom in good condition. The distribution of these areas is important, and, if possible, increase the natural light of the atmosphere. Dirty clothes and clothing should be washed and dried, can be a difficult task when there is an interruption of electrical service and water. It 'important to wash these soiled items in hot water and soap and bleach, if possible. Dry these items in the sun is based on a strong antiseptic action of UV light. A line of washing very important to have at hand.
Hard surfaces should be cleaned with soap and clean water, then sprayed with 1:10 bleach in water solution and wipe again. Leave the bleach solution remain on surface for 30 seconds before removing them to ensure that all the infection has been removed. This technique can effectively remove all traces of infectious virus particles and bacteria on surfaces in contact with bodily fluids, vomit and excrement.
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