The symptoms of swine flu 2009

The symptoms of swine flu warning signs to watch out for
Most people who demonstrated against the swine flu experience mild symptoms similar to seasonal flu, and some people have no symptoms. Unfortunately, few people will have a more severe reaction to the virus. Children have additional symptoms may be followed closely. Here is the list to check the lists on hand for each individual case.
Mild symptoms
The symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of seasonal influenza. The most common are:
Sudden fever (body temperature above 38 ° C or 100.4 ° F)
Sudden cough
Once again, as symptoms of an additional seasonal influenza include:
Pain in muscles and joints
Sore throat
The swine flu can also cause stomach upset and diarrhea, which is unusual in seasonal influenza.
Severe symptoms
Doctors recommend seeing the emergence of more serious symptoms that may require immediate medical attention. They are:
Difficulty breathing
Chest pain
Severe or persistent vomiting
A high temperature for more than three days
Symptoms in children
For children, and especially, also look for:
Difficulty waking up
If your child has any of these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention.
Swine flu and meningitis
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swine flu symptoms 2009 - The symptoms of swine influenza in children

As we all know, the symptoms of swine flu are usually the same symptoms as ordinary flu. In children, however, signs of distress and symptoms may vary. If your child has the flu, fever, it's important to be able to detect signs and symptoms as soon as possible. And 'good for you and your child is able to recognize early signs and be able to treat successfully.

Signs and symptoms are usually the same people in both young, old, middle-aged. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache and body aches. Diarrhea and vomiting are more common in children. There are also signs of emergency control in children. The CDC recommends that you search for a doctor immediately if your child / infant / child is one of the following symptoms:

Hey its better safe than sorry!
Today is Tuesday, we had a big party for our daughters christening on Sunday, many children, many adults! It turns out that a pregnant woman and two young children of today (confirmed on Friday he began to feel ill), the man was a party in the center of all visitors, including pregnant women. Any advice? I would be a warning to all our customers?

my son 4 years old last month I had a fever and out all the time brat terrible and unproductive cough. The document was shown twice to the flu and has returned because Negt chest x-ray and blood tests and is still saying it is a virus. So now we had to return today with another fever of 102.5, which seems to think they have the flu and shes going to go ahead and treat them well Tho for the return of all negative.No other evidence in our house is sick but I think the thing some advice?
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Some natural treatment options for menopausal symptoms

For many women, menopause can be good and bad. Have nothing to do with the monthly cycle can be a blessing, but knowing that they will be able to have children can lead to feelings of sadness, even if they have more children. One of the things that most women will agree is that you can certainly do without the physical symptoms of menopause after her! Between hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, muscle pain and tenderness, and about 30 or more physical problems with which it is likely that the face of a woman and many wonder how they can reduce and even eliminate these problems. For those not yet ready for hormone replacement therapy, there are some things you can do at home to help solve these common problems associated with this period of life.

To allay

Menopause is a natural condition that occurs in the ovaries but also in the adrenal glands, thyroid, and other areas of the body. Understanding the hormonal changes may help to explain why your body changes the way it works. These hormonal changes can cause mood swings and irritability and the use of soothing herbs and other treatments that may be of great help. Grass S. John and help calm kava. Lavender is good.

Manage your anger and irritability is another important factor in controlling the symptoms of menopause. Knowing you have mood swings can help your hormones are the cause of their level of anger can help you get under control. While some may see this as a small consolation when you realize that this time of life is really what's behind your anger and not in the situation, might be able to put things in perspective.

Lifestyle changes

Stay as healthy as possible in other areas can help the problems of this life. Eating well is important to keep the digestive system, so many women indigestion due to their experience of menopause and eating properly can help. It is also important to exercise regularly to maintain muscle tension and stiffness free.

And remember that you receive during the difficult period of life. If you have hot flashes, do not forget to wear comfortable clothing and please bring a small fan in his place of work or keep some 'home. If you have mood swings, be sure to schedule time for yourself so you can relax and recharge. Make sure you get plenty of sleep and do not exceed their responsibility means. Doing all of this might not be able to completely stop the menopause, but can reduce some symptoms.

Soy isoflavones can alleviate symptoms of menopause, without creating estrogen related problems and can help regulate hormone levels in premenopausal women.

Calcium is needed to reverse the effects of mineralization of bone.

Vitamin B as B whole team to perform important biological processes, including energy production and efficient metabolic function.

Vitamin C is essential for defending the body against pollution and infection. It strengthens the immune system and promotes the growth and repair of bone and tissue. Also contributing to the fight against the production of stress hormones.

The benefits of flax seed oil include the exemption of menopausal hot flashes.

Vitamin E accelerates wound healing and aid in immune system function.
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swine flu symptoms 2009 Dealing with the symptoms of gallbladder

The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped body found near the liver. Aims to store and release bile into the small intestine. The body used bile to digest fats.

There are many different problems and health conditions that are associated with the gallbladder as gallstones, inflammation of the gall bladder, colic and many other problems of the gallbladder. It 'important to recognize the symptoms of gall bladder in a different way if anything yourself, seek help.

Gallstone are the most common problem associated with the gallbladder, and are capable of causing jaundice and colic. The stones often go unnoticed for long periods of time and can be potentially dangerous if left untreated. Gallstones can reduce or stop the flow of bile in the digestive tract, causing digestive problems and pain.

There are some symptoms of the gallbladder, which are particularly common as the right side of chest pain may occur, such as nausea or stomach, vomiting, gas and belching. You may not be able to walk without bending, usually due to severe pain, and sometimes the pain radiates through right shoulder blade back on the right or central.

The symptoms of the gallbladder are often very painful, and it is therefore important to know what can be done to relieve pain, even temporarily, pending a long term solution. The first thing to do is changing your diet. You want to refrain from eating fatty foods and fat instead of including more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Also increase your intake of fiber and water consumption at the same time, if not constipation. Also, if you want to improve their state of health of the gallbladder that will educate themselves and become more aware of the gallbladder and how it works.
You can talk to your doctor and if possible even a nutritionist. Not only help to understand diseases of the gallbladder different, but can provide, step by step guide on how to design a system of the gallbladder.

Nutrition is the most important aspect in the treatment of symptoms of gallbladder disease, but the exercise is very important. It 'important that you get enough exercise in their normal life, even if it means that you take a few minutes of brisk walking or jogging around the block a couple of times I have free time.

Vitamins and common counter products can help treat the symptoms of the gallbladder, such as quercetin, Bromellain, Sytrinol, Zinc, Vitamin E and amino acids

Quercetin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants may reduce inflammation and stimulate the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercetin is also known for their ability to block histamine release, to reduce or prevent symptoms of allergy. Take 500 mg twice a day.

Bromellain improve the absorption of quercetin. Take 100 mg twice a day.

Sytrinol are known to be useful to help maintain a level of cholesterol in the body by reducing triglycerides and low density lipoprotein (LDL).

Zinc is necessary for healing and maintenance of healthy tissues. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are vital components of skin, hair, muscle tissue, organs, blood cells, enzymes and hormones. Zinc also has a profound influence on the body's ability to resist disease.

Vitamin E supplies oxygen to the heart and other muscles of the body. Accelerate the healing of wounds and AIDS in the functioning of the immune system.

Support Amino acids regulate growth, digestion and maintaining the body's immune system.
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The symptoms flu symptoms of type 2 diabetes about

Diabetes is a disease caused by a diet too rich in carbohydrates for a long period of time. Ultimately, high-carbohydrate diet leads to a condition called insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is the result of increasing the body stops producing insulin in an attempt to maintain normal blood glucose. The body does this because the digestive process converts carbohydrates into sugar, which goes directly into the bloodstream.

Insulin resistance as you move the results in many symptoms, one of which is high leveling of sugar in the blood called "diabetes."

Not all experiences of all these symptoms and there is a specific sequence in which these symptoms occur. Some symptoms may appear before the level of sugar in the blood than normal and may not appear until the level of sugar in the blood increased.
"The high rate of insulin, low insulin levels is not the problem associated with the origin of type II diabetes, and high insulin levels are more difficult to detect, because it is normal that the rate of insulin to increase many circumstances . The slightly higher level of insulin causes weight gain slow, a slight increase in blood pressure, slow changes in cholesterol and the beginning of the formation of arterial plaque.
"One by one, the diagnosis of obesity, hypertension, abnormal cholesterol levels and heart disease are made without taking into account the fact that they are all linked to higher levels of insulin and others. If the basic physiology is not correct, type II diabetes is likely to be diagnosed later.
"The physical changes that occur when you have high insulin levels are so subtle and dangerous for so many years it takes about ten to thirty years of their blood sugar levels after an increase early changes in insulin started. When diabetes Type II is diagnosed, chronically high insulin levels are a lot of metabolic damage - although this seems to happen overnight. "
the second law of Schwartzbein transition Schwartzbein Diana, MD
In an attempt to reduce the symptoms of insulin resistance, or to keep out the symptoms are often treated with drugs, medicines or insulin. Addressing the symptoms does nothing to cure the underlying disease cause, and if the situation continues to deteriorate, often resulting in more drugs, while maintaining the symptoms "under control".
You get so mad that person with diabetes can eventually be required for different drugs for blood sugar, and other medicines for high triglycerides and another for high cholesterol and other blood pressure medications . However, none of these drugs address or correct the cause of the disease of diabetes, insulin resistance!

If you do not already, you can turn around their state of diabetes and improve their overall health by obtaining a high protein / low carbohydrate diet, taking nutritional supplements properly, and put the little 'exercise in your life!

Although changes in diet and proper nutritional supplements have an important effect in controlling blood sugar naturally, without drugs or insulin, exercise can contribute significantly to the overall control of diabetes, as seen in After his passage:

"Although many people may begin to have a sense of responsibility - such as children who do not eat vegetables - the main reason to keep the exercise is that it feels good."

"In general, people who exercise regularly are better equipped to perform daily activities such as age.

"A big advantage is that many people find that when they exercise, have less desire to overeat."

"Even if the fat does not" break up "exercise, especially if you are a person with diabetes type II, is a value in a program to reduce weighting because of muscle building by reducing insulin resistance.

"How to increase muscle mass, insulin requirements are reduced - and less insulin in the blood, reduces the number of fats stored.

"As a result, their own insulin production gradually becomes more effective in lowering blood glucose.
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Swine flu update: Last month, the United States,

Swine flu update: Last month, the United States, the Federal Government has granted legal immunity to producers of swine influenza H1N1 vaccine, is an important step for those who generate the resources that have the largest line of defense motivation potentially deadly flu. If you paid with a huge reserve of federal funds for the pandemic, the official statement by the CDC, which provides the necessary legal armor to start the growth with the protection of human needs with a high risk of infection with swine influenza. Why pharmaceutical companies need encouragement to save the world? There are altruistic? It seems that the swine flu vaccine is not as profitable as ... Do things that pharmaceutical companies do when they have no vaccine against swine flu.

Keep waiting
Unfortunately, we have the first dose of the swine flu vaccine in October 2010. More bad news, because we hurry to get the vaccine for the port, which probably would not have been subjected to a series of vigorous tests of the vaccine against the past, seasonal influenza. Of course, some fear that the vaccine against swine influenza is reflected not be as efficient as a conscious step allowed. Others fear that allows manufacturers to encourage or even ignore the important tests of strength.

When patients receive the vaccine against swine influenza more than necessary to avoid infection, too many people for their vaccine shots to wait. Conversely, if the dose of vaccine is very low, the vaccine was developed in infected individuals. The old adage "to err on the safe side" comes to mind. But the line of prudence in the fight against the pandemic of swine influenza have been established in shades of gray.

The Board of Directors of swine flu tracker
Wash your hands. Cover your mouth when you cough. Stay home if sick. Tell your colleagues to go home sick. If you see a bad cough grass swine influenza without prey in mouth, she says, get these idiots ways. Friends Do not Let Friends Cross swine flu. But reading the swine flu tracker.
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swine flu symptoms Influenza A-H1N1 Symptoms Questions and Answers

Meanwhile it is important to know the symptoms, which unfortunately are similar to those of a trivial influence.
As you can diagnose infection with influenza virus A (H1N1) in humans?
With the transition to the pandemic phase and increased progressively cases in Europe and Italy have been strengthened surveillance systems but it is not considered more essential laboratory confirmation of suspected cases and thus the diagnosis is only based solely on clinical criteria (symptoms ).
Patients are always obliged to inform the doctor on a trip abroad in the last seven days of disease onset, but now the suspicion of influenza A (H1N1) should be considered without foreign travel.
Influenza A (H1N1) is a condition called acute respiratory abrupt and sudden onset with fever of about 38 degrees or greater accompanied by one of the following symptoms:
• headache
• general malaise
• feeling of fever (sweating, chills)
• asthenia (weakness)
and at least one of the following respiratory symptoms:
• cough
• sore throat (sore throat)
• Nasal congestion
For the clinical diagnosis of influenza in children is important to consider that for adults taking into account that:
1. younger children are not able to describe the general symptoms, which instead are associated with irritabililitĂ , crying, loss of appetite
2. the infant's influence is often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, and only exceptionally by fever
3. red eyes and conjunctivitis are characteristic of influenza in children under school age, in the event of high fever
4. in children of 1-5 years, flu syndrome is frequently associated with bronchitis and laryngotracheitis and high fever.
During the pandemic, laboratory testing will be done on the advice on all cases with a clinical picture demanding and require hospitalization. For the purposes of monitoring, in addition, laboratory tests are performed by sampling and in cases which have occurred in the absence of travel or contact with confirmed cases.
For the laboratory analysis is necessary to collect a sample of respiratory secretions (nasal or pharyngeal swab) within the first 4 - 5 days of symptom onset (when it is most likely the person removes the virus).
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swine flu symptoms :Influenza A H1N1

Influenza A H1N1: is what it means.

SYMPTOMS AND PRECAUTIONS SYMPTOMS AND PRECAUTIONS It varies from mild to severe form, but the symptoms of influenza A virus H1N1, similar to those of seasonal 'classic': fever, muscle and joint pain, headache, loss of appetite, cough, and sometimes sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. And as the seasonal flu, warns the Ministry of Welfare on its website, can cause a worsening of preexisting chronic conditions. Were, in fact, reported cases of serious complications (pneumonia and respiratory failure).

Those who have contracted influenza A should be considered potentially contagious even during the incubation period before symptoms develop: an adult can transmit the virus from one day before the start of symptoms for three to seven days from the start of them. Children, especially smaller ones, can potentially spread the virus for longer periods.

Then there are some simple guidelines that can help prevent an outbreak of A: for example, cover with a cloth, preferably of paper, nose and mouth when sneezing and discard the cloth or wash it, wash your hands often with water and soap especially after coughing or sneezing or after attending places and public transportation, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unclean hands. Patients are always obliged to inform the doctor on a trip abroad in the last seven days of disease onset, although now the suspicion of influenza A should be considered even in the absence of foreign travel.

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weird swine flu symptoms

Hello, I try to answer your domande.Anche I suffered from anxiety disorders, various types of somatization as tachycardia, extrasystole, stomach, colitis etc..

and many panic attacks, so that did not go out to even more at home out of fear .... it becomes fragile, sensitive, fearful of everything, every problem becomes a mountain to overcome and do not have the strength to face it. Life becomes really hard. However it is only in this way that our body tells us that we are living in a wrong way for us, that there is something to change in our lives, maybe it is hard to admit it or be able to see what is bothering you. Medications can help when there are acute crises which prevent to live or work, but it is not just suppress the symptoms that are signing of a far deeper malaise. Would unscrew the light bulb as we will show a fault in your car without bothering to go to repair. The light will turn off itself when the fault will be repaired. Often to get better is not necessarily disrupting their lives but just awareness, awareness of what happens to us and why we are wrong. Excuse the long speech but I write from personnel experience, I soffeerto much for these disorders and I came out with psychotherapy and an approach to the body with massage and reflexology, because we are made of spirit for which the words are fine, but the body is, matter and if you do not work also on that you do not get anything. So do not choke your symptoms with too many drugs, but try to understand and helps the body to release repressed emotions with a psycho-somatic therapy.
When I'm not following any therapy, my psychiatrist / therapist prescribed me anything, he just did to stop the medicines listed in my first post .. The last time, I was advised to take the Lyrica, but only if I think I'm not really able to manage anxiety disorders, is tackling the matter from a psychological perspective behavioral.
I, after all medicianali listed in my initial post, I did not felt also undertake this new road ..

This psychiatrist is following me around April and stays for now my point of reference in recent months I have also tried to hear a psychotherapist to see what he thought of the situation but I 'looked like a good person who does not pluck my problems so 'I stopped going to meetings.

Probably underlying anxiety is over 'hypochondria added .. But it 'is often hard to feel the symptoms described above and continue to say' and 'only anxiety, and' just anxiety 'at some point my nervous energy ran out and I have moments of deep distrust. I know it 'wrong that I should give me courage .. But it 'hard, not always bring myself .. And above all remains a concern.
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I'm pregnant? symptoms of Riconoscere i sintomi della gravidanza

For me both times was a revelation, almost from the day after conception I started to feel breast tenderness and urinate often, unfortunately, is not always so easy to find out she was pregnant from the symptoms alone because each of us is different and may be blurred or not there at all but we try to take stocking of the situation on more frequent basis, waiting to take a pregnancy test reliable.

Obviously the main one is the absence of the menstrual cycle, in a small percentage of pregnant women, 6-7%, you can still have bled similar to menstruation in the first period of conception, not affecting the pregnancy, but that are caused dall'annidamento embryo in the wall of the uterus. Blood loss in subsequent periods, however, may be pathological and should always be reported to the gynecologist.

Another symptom is breast tenderness, similar to that which has just before the loop, there may be a very short time after conception, associated with hypersensitivity to the nipples and breast swelling increased due to the action of progesterone.

Also the sensitivity to odors is another sign that often tends to last throughout the period of waiting, they are often decisive and usually smells pleasant, like that of coffee or perfumes and deodorants, which has suddenly become intolerable to cause nausea and malaise.

How can I not mention the famous nausea, bugbear of all potential mothers
The nipples darker and wider, with the presence of small reliefs (the tubercles of Montgomery that during lactation will produce a lubricant and disinfectant) and the veins of the breast are the most obvious symptom of another possible.

Fatigue is frequent and disrupts the normal behavior because the body is preparing for big changes and the increase in the hormone progesterone in the circulation.
Of possible symptoms there are others but these are the most frequent and obvious, although it is always important to remember that every woman is different and it is difficult to generalize, rather it is useless, better take the test to rely on these signs empirical.
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Special: symptoms of pregnancy month by month

After two weeks since the beginning of menstruation, the ovum becomes fertile and can be fertilized by sperm. In each ejaculation, there are about ten thousand sperm, but only the fastest and most powerful can be traced back in the tube to fertilize an oocyte and is at that precise moment he begins pregnancy.

Even from the days of fertilization may begin to get the first symptoms. I wrote "can" because in this area there are no dogmas: every woman is different and each body reacts differently to the action of the hormone cascade that begins to work when the sperm penetrates the membrane of the egg, then the symptoms there may or may fail entirely or may be completely different from those that occur more frequently.

Therefore, it is impossible to diagnose a pregnancy based only on such nonspecific signs and it is very difficult to predict what will be the most important symptoms for each of us in the second and third trimesters. However, it is useful to know the most frequent and common with a sort of calendar month by month until immediately before childbirth.

1 month
The only initial symptom, absolutely certain for all pregnant women is the absence of menstruation, but there may have minor bleeding due to hormones that are forming, so even here you should be aware that will be very low compared to the cycle itself and will be rosy.
The breast cans already begin to increase slightly in volume and nipples become more sensitive to nausea and dolorini may appear similar to those of premenstrual syndrome.

2 months
The sinus continues to swell, and continues to be sensitive, even in this month may appear vaginal discharge, urge to urinate frequently and bloating because the uterus begins to swell slightly.
Fatigue and sleepiness are two very common symptoms along with the usual nausea, mood changes and a humoral and altered taste and smell, which often result in aversion to certain foods.

3 months
This month The breast becomes more sensitive and swollen, the nipples will expand and become darker, the uterus continues to increase its volume, although generally not yet visible.
Continue or increase fatigue and drowsiness and, sometimes, there may be missing or short actual fainting.
Fatigue and vaginal discharge may occur, i.e., vaginal discharge clear.

4th month
The uterus begins to press on the groin and bladder and the urge to urinate becoming more frequent therefore too, may appear as constipation, which tends to persist for all subsequent months until delivery.
May start to become noticeable movements of the Child.

5 months
May appear dark spots on the skin (chloasma gestational), especially on the forehead, cheekbones and nose.
The muscles tend to relax and begin the attacks of hunger and increased sweating.
The skin becomes dry and tend to appear hemorrhoids, worsened by constipation.

6 month
Nipples are starting to leave small drops of colostrum
a somewhat yellowish serum that expects the milk supply and is very
useful to the child because it contains a high number of antibodies
They may come in unexpected ways irritation and bleeding gums and even vaginal discharge.

Month 7
The weight continues to increase and begins to become apparent, the face becomes rosy and relaxed and begin to see the "veins of milk" on the breast and the abdomen.
May appear the persistent heartburn, swollen legs and ankles, itching, increased sweating, anemia, along with some symptoms already present in previous months as hemorrhoids and constipation.

8th month
The belly grows and becomes very apparent, the'ombelico tense and smooth out and instead of the central line appears "line nigra, a dark line running from the navel and pubic area that will persist until a few months after the childbirth.
The increase in weights and belly prominent cause fatigue and back pain and pressure on the bladder uterus continues to urge to urinate frequently and sometimes even mild incontinence.

9th month
The skin of the abdomen is fully stretched and continuing weight gain.
Pain in the groin may occur, difficulty breathing, poor digestion, insomnia and joint pain along
already present with other symptoms such as swollen legs and the urge to
urinate frequently, always for the increase in volume very
considerable uterus pushing on all the neighboring organs and the
substantial increase in weight.
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H1N1 Influenza A, how to recognize symptoms in children

02 September 2009. Influenza A/H1N1 is the topic of the day but it's really hard to understand what are the really important things. I have 3 types of influenza viruses: A, B, C, the most common is the A. Within the different types of viruses are different in two structures: H (hemagglutinin), 16 in the virus types A and N (neuraminidase), 9 types, which are distinguished by numbers. It 'like cars: they make, model and type number. Our immune system produces antibodies against H and N structures that are unique and represent the protection.
The rapid spread of the virus and disease consequences, is favored by travel and trade. It takes a few hours by plane to carry the virus to Europe from America and a person with symptoms, not yet ill, may appear normal controls.

Pandemic means that a disease is rapidly spreading in the general population. This means that many people will fall ill at once: imagine what would happen if the emergency services find themselves with fewer people and, moreover, weakened by the "cold".
The sick child also needs assistance: parents may be absent from work or be distracted by concerns for their children. Sometimes, the person's age or of concomitant diseases, influenza can become a very serious illness: You must prepare the defense represented by the most appropriate vaccination and medicines.

Data on vaccine production, prepared by 3 companies well before the arrival of the virus, are reassuring: even if it is necessary to test individual lots, the effectiveness should be similar to that of other influenza vaccines, as well as the toxicity . The categories currently identified at European level for the initial phase of vaccination are pregnant women, children over 6 months with chronic illnesses, healthcare workers, and only then will precede with their plans. On strain of influenza virus in circulation is sensitive to the antiviral with only rare cases of resistance and therefore the scientific community is confident.

What are the symptoms important? Headache, fever, malaise, weakness, sore throat, colds, cough. Well-known symptoms, but in younger children need to pay attention to a strange irritability, crying, poor appetite, diarrhea and / or vomiting, even with moderate fever in children. More serious symptoms are difficulty breathing, "shortness of breath, bluish skin, numbness They are warning signs that signal the urgent need to control hospital.
In all cases not serious the first contact should be the pediatrician or family physician who is responsible under ministerial guidelines, to formulate the suspicion and assess the seriousness of the disease. In case of non-serious medical conditions is better not to go to the hospital because, although the organization of the structures, there is the danger of infecting or being infected.
Unfortunately, every day come new news that may change the scenario just described and the only certainty is that we must use many handkerchiefs.
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The symptoms are clear: we are afraid of all, Italy is a nation in the trenches

Hallmarks. And clearly dictate the story we're telling patched for decades in this part is, fear itself. Too many comments from portals like this clearly to conduct and dress the way we think is always and only fear. The symptom is so clear that we tend to justify things becere (racism, homophobia, domestic violence, etc.. Etc..) Payable as acts of legitimate self-defense. To see it from here this nation is a nation in the trenches against the Communists, against foreigners, against Muslims, against women too emancipated against the immoral, against the commentators on charge, against journalists, against immigrants, and so on .

The idea is you think you have something to say it means no filters, no arguments, without the holy wisdom of grandparents intimate "bite my tongue and count to ten before responding." From my point of view, every reaction is a victory, because to react, Stan, bring out the best, or worst, is one task of the intellectual, even a poor like me (I take the opportunity in this respect, before Tiscali realizes that they are genuine bluff and I summarily dismissed). In any case, I fear, the idea that if we have an enemy, our responsibility in the game we're playing thins, someone else that if you take it and then we, ordinary man, the silent majority, body anonymous we blithely stand by simply to "judge" who is exposed.

It 'a game that is good to all, citizens frustrated that finally has a space to vent their anger, but also to people of good will who agree or disagree with what is said, however, uses tones and thoughts shared. Who's afraid is like a tennis player: wait for the move of the other to respond, is like a body electric: It translates to the stimulus, visceral reaction. It matters little weather it is supported, justified, gutted. It may, for example responding to an argument by casting doubt on those who propose and then by the collapse in court would be called "the credibility of the witness" can crush a proposal for discussion by resizing the wearer foreword because she was somewhat authoritative or insulting, as if to express an overall opinion can be reason enough, you can also cancel the speaker suspecting dietrologie, plots, Camarillo and quant 'other.

Each reaction is very precise mirror of who we are and especially the thermometer of our fear. Who's afraid is no history, forget it, desperately, select what is convenient and throws away what he dislikes. Forget that we were, and we have a population of migrants is certainly a way to justify their fear of the other. Yet we have colonized whole nations bringing many good and very bad. Yet we dug, mines of central Europe and we are just dead inside when others say of us that we were a cancer to their society. We were Albanians, Moroccans and Romanians even ourselves, and many of us still are. Who's afraid occhiutamente is selective, and never answers the fragment to the whole, prefers to interpret that understanding, because in any case, whatever you write or say has to go inside the funnel of injury, wary of waiting, has to go inside that sieve frightening is the assumption, indeed the certainty, that he who speaks, does so it takes scrubbing.

Who's afraid stops making distinctions considers all anxiously in the same way: Boffo, director of the newspaper Avvenire, we're not talking about the Unit, has no right to have a position on the President of the Consul as equally immoral. As if an editor, also important, also Catholic, and a Prime Minister were, for the destiny of a nation, on the same plane. Would stop being afraid, as regards this particular issue to try to think that a plumber or a gardener suffering from Alzheimer's are, for our safety, less dangerous than a pilot or a surgeon with the same disease. O no?
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Glaucoma eyes: swine flu symptoms and treatment

Glaucoma is the term used to describe a group of eye diseases that can cause blindness if not properly treated: open-angle glaucoma, the most common form, affects about 3 million people in the United States alone. Half of the people affected, do not even know to be ill.
Our eyes are very sophisticated optical instruments that collect light and focus on their back, allowing us to see: The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that allows entry of light, the rest of the eye is covered an outer layer called the sclera. The front of the eye, there is a further coating membrane called the conjunctiva.
Light hits the iris, the colored part of the eye: the opening in the center of the iris called the pupil. The iris is able to vary the number of lights entering the eye, because it can change the diameter of the pupil.
After passing through the pupil, the light passes through a transparent lens, just like the lens of a camera lens focuses the light in the back of the eye. Between the lens and the back of the eye, light rays passing through a transparent substance called the vitreous humor.
The back of the eye called the retina and is used to convert light signals into electrical signals which are transmitted to the brain by the optic nerve and the brain then translates them into images that we see.
In general the eye can distinguish two important areas:
1. front area (called the anterior chamber, is located between the cornea el'iride)
2. the rear (called posterior chamber, located between the iris and the lens).
The transparent liquid that fill the anterior chamber is produced in the posterior chamber and then is absorbed by a sponge Further exercises in an area that angle. If the rate of resorption is less than that of production, the fluid accumulates in the anterior chamber by increasing the pressure and tension in the eye.
If the pressure increases the eye and the optic nerve are damaged: this situation can lead to blindness.
Types glacucoma
There are five types of glaucoma.
1. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of this disease: the pressure in the eye increases with the passage of time, rather slowly. Open-angle glaucoma can usually be treated with appropriate drugs or surgery.
2. For the low-tension glaucoma or normal tension using the same therapies that open angle, the symptoms come on slowly but not as in that case: they can occur in a more unexpected.
3. Angle-closure glaucoma is an emergency situation. This type causes a sudden rise in eye pressure, the symptoms are severe pain and nausea, redness of the eye and blurred vision. If you do not care immediately can become blind in one or two days. Normally, immediate surgery with the laser can remove the obstruction and save sight.
4. Congenital glaucoma affects those children who, from birth, suffering from eye defects that slow the normal absorption of fluid. Symptoms include: blurred eyes, light sensitivity and tearing eccessiva.L 'surgery is usually the best care possible and the child has excellent opportunities to do well.
5. Secondary glaucoma arises as a complication of other diseases. Treatment may include drugs or surgery. Among the diseases or conditions that may cause secondary glaucoma are eye surgery, advanced cataracts, eye injuries, certain eye tumors, uveitis (eye inflammation), diabetes, use of corticosteroid drugs.
In early glaucoma may not show obvious swine flu symptoms. If you do not receive any treatment patients with glaucoma may find themselves suddenly no longer see on the sides, that is no longer the so-called peripheral vision. It's as though they saw through the tunnel (tunnel vision).
Over time, the glaucoma patients may continue to lose their sight, to remain blind. Even the eye pain and headaches are symptoms of glaucoma.
Except in the case of congenital glaucoma, which incidentally is very rare, glaucoma usually affects only people over the age of 60 years, for reasons still unknown, men blacks over the age of 40 years are most at risk of getting sick glaucoma.
If you are in one of these situations, you have a greater chance of getting glaucoma:
• Previous family history of glaucoma,
• Other eye problems,
• Surgery to the eye,
• Diabetes.
Early diagnosis of glaucoma is essential to prevent decreased vision and blindness. In most patients, symptoms do not appear immediately, only a thorough eye examination routine can detect the presence of the disease.
A thorough eye examination includes the following exams:
1. Examination of visual acuity (visual acuity) using a chart to measure visual acuity at different distances.
2. An examination of the visual field extent the side or peripheral vision. In this way your ophthalmologist can tell if your peripheral vision is diminished, by acting as a suspected case of glaucoma.
3. An examination of the pupillary dilation helps the ophthalmologist to better see the optic nerve, to see if there are signs of injury. The ophthalmologist puts eye drops in the eye to dilate the pupil. After examination, the near vision may remain blurred for several hours.
4. Tonometry measures the fluid pressure within the eye. There are different types of tonometry. One of them uses a violet light to measure the pressure. Another type is the puff test, which measures the resistance of the eye to a puff of air.
5. During pachymetry the eye is anesthetized with eye drops and an ultrasound probe is used to measure the thickness of the cornea.
Care and treatment
After diagnosis, glaucoma can be treated in many different ways, initially testing with the standard drugs. If the drugs are unable to control effectively the eye pressure, may need surgery and is sometimes recommended to start the operation with laser therapy.
The drugs are administered in the form of eye drops and tablets, some of them make the eye produce less fluid, while others lower the eye pressure by promoting drainage. Medications for glaucoma usually have to be taken several times a day and most patients have no side effects. Some drugs, however, can cause headaches or have side effects at the expense of other parts of the body: for example, eye drop can cause burning and redness of the eye.
If you have to use your eye doctor will teach you how to put the drops in the eye, but it is important to say all other medicines you are taking before starting treatment for glaucoma.
For the treatment of glaucoma are available many drugs, especially if a drug is causing problems you do this because you may need to use one different, or just a different dosage.
Since glaucoma is asymptomatic in many cases, you might be tempted to stop taking the drugs, but it is essential to continue the therapy prescribed to prevent irreparable damage and blindness.
The intervention with the laser, also called trabeculoplasty, may be necessary if the drugs are not sufficient to control the eye pressure. In some cases, you must continue taking medication for glaucoma after surgery with laser.
The eye is anesthetized with special drops while the patient is sitting in front of laser equipment el'oculista places a special lens in front of the eye.
A high energy beam is directed on the lens, which reflects on Further exercises in the eye. During surgery, you can see the flashes of light green or red.
The laser causes about 50-100 evenly spaced burns, these burns extend the drainage holes in the Further exercises and in this way the holes are opened and fluid drainage is more simple.
It may be necessary even without laser surgery, the purpose of an intervention of this kind is to practice a new opening through which fluid drainage will occur. Removes a tiny piece of tissue from the white of the eye (the sclera), so it creates a new opening that allows drainage of fluid from the eye.
Of course, after the intervention there remains no hole in the eye, the white of the eye is covered with a thin, transparent tissue, the conjunctiva. The liquid passes through the new opening and ends up under the conjunctiva, from here flows to the outside eye.
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Depression May underestimate the flu symptoms at a young age, They call it "dark evil".

Depression, a mental disease, more difficult to diagnose, is a disease that includes even the youngest. Therefore, the Columbia University warns, parents asking them not to underestimate is the smallest symptom in children, and that flu symptom can lead to mental health issues climbed after 20 years. Anxiety, depression and acute food problems in the U.S. 750 persons examined by the University with the cooperation with the New York Psychiatric Institute, were much more common between those who registered during adolescence had flu symptoms of mild depression, disinterest in activities has come to play, difficulty sleeping, lack of concentration and a general sense of disappointment.

According to l'Equipe, the study sheds new light on the importance of ensuring the necessary support guys when minor problems occur, ensuring that parent, teachers and social fabric around them to intervene before the disease more degeneration in the form acute.
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Attention to depression symptoms in teenagersz

Interviewed 750 people aged between 14 and 16 years and then again between 20 and 30. They showed that anxiety, severe depression and eating disorders were more present in those who had suffered from mild depression teenage (8% of total), as stated in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

The reason remains to be clarified with further research, but the thing is certain: around 20-30 years, the study subjects who were moderately depressed as adolescents showed a four times higher than normal risk of suffering from severe depression. The risk was two and a half time higher to meet with agoraphobia, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder and three times higher than fall nell'anoressia or bulimia.

For depression "slight" the researchers mean a milder than clinical depression, but it lasts at least two weeks and includes symptoms such as feeling down, loosing interest in their activities, have been troubling sleeping and unable to concentrate. Research coordinator, Dr. Jeffrey Johnson, who now claims will require further studies to see if the problems of depressed teenagers are at an early stage of subsequent depression more serious or if they contribute to the development of more severe mental illness in later years. But what can already be inferred and that even mild signs of depression as teenagers should not be overlooked: the boys should be helped and immediately initiated an effective treatment.

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by a set of symptoms of cognitive status, behavioral, somatic and affective, which together diminish the mood, compromising the "operation" of a person, as well as its ability to adapt to life social. Depression is not so, as often believed, a simple lowering of mood, but a set of symptoms more or less complex that also substantially alter the way a person thinks, thinks and portrays herself, others and the outside world.

Depression is sometimes associated with suicidal ideation or self-destructive type, and almost always is accompanied by deficits in attention and concentration, insomnia, eating disorders, extreme physical exhaustion and unmotivated.

The main symptoms:
1. Depressed mood almost daily, as reported by the subject or observed by others.
2. Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (anhedonia).
3. Significant weight loss without dieting, or significant weight gain, or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day.
4. Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day.
5. Agitation or retardation nearly every day.
6. Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day.
7. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate feelings of guilt nearly every day.
8. Decreased ability to think or concentrate, or difficulty making decisions almost every day.
9. Recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal ideation without elaboration of specific plans, or a suicide attempt or by elaborating a specific plan for committing suicide.
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What symptoms are you? What are the precautions? Questions and answers from the Ministry of Health

What is Influemza fever?
The swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused acute type An influenza virus that cause influenza epidemics usually between pigs. Swine influenza viruses cause high levels of illness and low mortality in pigs. The swine flu virus can circulate between pigs in all months of the year, but most of these outbreaks occur in late autumn and winter, as well as with epidemics in human populations. Classical swine influenza virus (influenza A/H1N1 virus has been isolated for the first 30 beautiful years of last century.

How many swine flu virus?
Like all flu viruses mutate constantly even those swine influenza: Pigs can be infected with avian influenza viruses as well as those of swine flu. When influenza viruses from different species infect pigs, the virus can undergo phenomena of "reassortment" and new viruses that are a mixture of viruses in human / avian / swine may emerge. Over the years, there were several variants of influenza viruses of pigs at the moment, in pigs have been identified 4 main subtypes of influenza A virus: H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, and H3N1. However, the most recently isolated viruses in pigs were H1N1

The swine flu can infect humans?
The swine flu virus does not usually infect humans. However, you may experience sporadic human infections with influenza viruses of swine. Commonly these cases of human infection by influenza viruses of pigs occur in people with direct exposure to pigs (eg, workers engaged in farming and pig industry, attending trade fairs livestock).

What are the symptoms of swine flu in humans?
The symptoms 2009 of fever are similar to those of "classical" seasonal flu and include fever, drowsiness, loss of appetite, cough: Some people with swine influenza have also revealed a cold, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Like the seasonal influenza, swine flu can also cause worsening of pre-existing and chronic illnesses in the passed have been reporting of serious complications (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths associated with influenza virus-infected swine.

As to severe swine influenza in humans?
Like the seasonal influenza, swine influenza virus infection in humans can occur in mild or severe.

People can catch the flu swine eating pork?
No, the swine flu virus is not transmitted by food, not the flu can eat pork or pork products pork. Eating meat handled properly and cooked meat and meat products to swine. Cook the meat internal temperature of 70-80 degrees kills the virus of swine, as well as other bacteria and viruses.

How do you send the swine flu symptoms 2009?
Influenza viruses can be transmitted directly to humans from pigs and humans to pigs. Human infections with avian influenza viruses of swine origin most likely to occur in people who have been closing contact with pigs, as in farming or livestock exhibitions. E 'possible transmission from person to person. I believed that to happen with the same mode of transmission of seasonal influenza, which is spread through droplets of nasal-pharyngeal secretions with cough and sneeze. People can also become infected by touching surfaces contaminated with infected secretions ee then put in the mouth and nose in his hands. That is why hand washing is a very important measure to reduce the risk of infection.

The virus of this epidemic in Mexico and the USA is contagious?
There is evidencing, established by the CDC of the United States of America, the virus responsible for cases in the United States is spreading from person to person, however this is not possible to know how easy it is the broadcast.

As you can diagnose the infection by swine influenza virus in humans?
For the diagnosis of swine influenza An is necessary to collect a sample of respiratory secretions (nasal or pharyngeal swab) within the first 4 - 5 days of symptom onset (when it is most likely the person removes the virus). However, some people and especially children can eliminate the influenza virus for 10 days and more. The identification of swine influenza virus requires sending the sample to a reference laboratory Influnet network, coordinated by the Higher Institute of Health ..

What drugs treats infections with swine flu in humans?
There are different types of antiviral drugs for treatment of influenza: amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir. While most of the swine flu virus have been proving susceptible to all four drugs, swine influenza viruses recently isolated from humans are resistant to amantadine and rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir are therefore only recommended for the treatment and prevention of 'Human influence swine flu symptoms virus

How many outbreaks of swine influenza known?
Probably the best known is the epidemic that struck the soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey (USA) in 1976, with about 200 cases between soldiers in the field. The virus causes disease with radiologically obvious signs of pneumonia in at least 4 soldiers and 1 death: all were affected previously healthy. The virus was transmitted through close contact during the training sessions, with limited transmission outside that context. I believed that the virus has been circulating for a month to disappear spontaneously. The source of the virus, the exact time of its introduction at Fort Dix, and factors that may have influenced its spread and duration are the unknown. The epidemic was probably caused by an animal virus introduced in the context of particular crowded in winter. The swine flu virus isolated from soldiers at Fort Dix was named A / New Jersey/76 (Hsw1N1). The episode was the basis for an expanded influenza vaccination campaign in 1977.
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Symptoms and Intervention

A cataract is the opacification of the lens, a sort of lens that is located inside the eye, is a frequent disease that affects more than half of people aged over 65 years. Your doctor may recommend the operation to allow you to see better and the decision to undergo intervention for the cataract to be agreed to him.
In this short article will help you understand what is and what the cataract surgery that can cure.

Our eyes are very sophisticated optical instruments that collect light and focus in the back, allowing us to see. The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that allows the entry of light.

Then the light hits the iris, the colored part of the eye, while the opening at the center of the iris called the pupil. The iris is able to vary the number of lights entering the eye, because it can change the diameter of the pupil.

After passing through the pupil, the light passes through a crystal clear lens that just like the lens of a camera lens focuses light in the back of the eye. Between the lens and the back of the eye light rays pass through a transparent substance called the vitreous humor.
The back of the eye called the retina, which converts light signals into electrical signals, electrical signals are then transmitted to the brain by the optic nerve, where will the translation of the image we see.

The lens is composed of water and protein molecules, when we age it can happen that the molecules addensino in parts: some parts of the lens begins to become cloudy, preventing light rays partially reaching the retina and not allowing a correct view. The opacity of the lens is called cataract. Cataracts, usually, is related to age, but can also occur after birth or in the earliest years of life, or in response to an eye injury.

Although diabetes and smoking may predispose patients to cataract. Moreover, the possibility of getting cataracts are greater if you have prior personal or family from this disease.

In the early stages cataract may not show obvious symptoms, but with progressive opacification of the lens begins to see less and your vision is blurred.

Between the symptoms of cataracts include:
• blurred vision,
• the difficulty in night vision
• You can see the halos around sources of light and colors blurred,
• You can see double.
With the progressive opacification of the lens, the sight deteriorates gradually.

The ophthalmologist will investigate thoroughly your previous health problems and will consider carefully the eye to understand what is the cause of the obscuring of sight if of diagnosis of cataract therapy depends on the degree of blurred vision and discomfort that the disease causes in your daily life.

In cases of mild cataract glasses may be a temporary aid, with the passage of time, however, the lens can become so opaque as to prevent light from reaching the retina. The view cans be compromised so much that it is no longer perceive sharp images. In cases like these, we recommend surgery.

If you decide to work for your cataract eye exams will make you do some quotes for the best choice of lens to be applied.

The intervention for the cataract is a very safe and with high hopes of success, the operation usually lasts less than an hour and causes almost no pain or discomfort.
For patients suffering from cataracts in both eyes, the doctor will replace both the crystals in the same speech: the second eye will be operated only after full recovery of the first.
The intervention for cataract usually runs in the day, that is, the patient should be hospitalized, but it is necessary for someone to drive you back home after surgery, because you will not be in a position to drive.

The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia or topical, that only the eye is asleep. If necessary, you will be asleep with general anesthesia.
After practicing a tiny incision in the cornea, the surgeon removes the lens: the cataract can be removed in two ways

1. Phacoemulsification: the doctor may insert a tiny probe into a small incision on the side of the cornea, the probe breaks up the lens and sucks debris
2. Extracapsular extraction: the surgeon may slightly longer incision on the side of the cornea and remove the entire central part of the lens (the hardest) at one time. The rest of suction removed the lens.

Often, the surgeon replaces the clouded lens with an intraocular lens or IOL. This is a permanent artificial lens that requires no maintenance. Patients did not feel nor see it.
The cornea, finally, is repaired using sutures or a different technique. Items may be removed later, or dissolve on their own.
After surgery the eye is bandaged and the patient can return home after staying for a short period of time in a room after surgery.

After surgery
Follow your doctor's instructions is essential to heal completely and quickly, for the complete healing of the eye may take up to six weeks, but depends on the patient's age and his health.
For several days after the cataract operation may have to take eye drops or tablets to speed up the healing, drugs should be taken following the prescription.
In addition you should also protect the eye by using sunglasses during the day and a mask during the night.

We suggest you contact your doctor if you have symptoms such as:
1. Increased pain
2. Decreased vision,
3. Increased swelling and redness.

After surgery, patients should not take too much effort, for example should not lift more than 10 pounds at a time, should also avoid squeezing or rubbing the eye.
The use of shampoos containing soap or other products in the areas around the eye may cause irritation and is not recommended, unless your doctor specifically permits it. After healing, you know longer need to follow these limitations.
Patients may need to wear new glasses after the operation.

Risks and complications
The intervention for the cataract is a very safe, with excellent chances of success.
E 'can always run into complications which, if known by the patient, can be quickly identified by placing a remedy in a short time.
• You can take, risks related to the use of anesthesia, your anesthesiologist will tell them there in detail.
• Other risks are related to surgery itself, such as infections. Infections may occur during after surgery for cataracts. Infections may cause injury or impair the view and to treat them you can use antibiotics.
• It is possible that the eye becomes inflamed and bleed, and this may cause a decrease in sight.
• Sometimes, depending on the conditions of the eye, can be useful not introduced immediately IOL lens when you remove the lens. A second operation may be necessary to introduce the IOL after removing the cataract.
• The capsule is used to hold the lens. During surgery for cataract, it is left in its place, so it can hold the lens IOL. Sometimes, the posterior capsule opacification can: here the surgeon can make a small incision inside using the laser. This step takes only a few minutes and is not painful.
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44 cases and confirmed rumors about the first death

While the number of confirmed cases of swine flu has reached 44, the information previously denied by the Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform, refer to the first death of a person in a hospital in the capital. The first victim of the pandemic of the century had passed between the e-mail carried out by health authorities. The cause of death was discovered a few days after the autopsy of the body. Details on the death, first by the very lack of swine influenza virus, health authorities who wish to avoid the maximum media coverage of this case. This posts is directly feeding the panic between the population. To return to the evolution of the disease in Algeria, the health authorities have announced a new confirmed case detected at the airport in Algiers. This is an Algerian, returned home via Frankfurt airport. Flu symptoms hit the passenger. It 'was a referral hospital in El Kette.

Two other suspected, cases were discovered at the airport itself, before being evacuated to the hospital in El Ketta for analysis. It should be noted that the approach of 'school year in the program this year September 13 raised fears the worst. The government is moving on all fronts to prepare for a possible spread of the virus in schools including the fall season favors the spread of influenza. The ministry is on the road since early August to find a new tactics against the evolution of influenza The in Algeria. The meetings are multiplying and decisions rained all day. The last was the decision of the Ministry of Education to devote the first class, this school year to prevent against swine flu. The students, all cycles combined, will receive information on how to prevent contamination by H1N1 virus.

Other broadcasts a new announcement by the Ministry in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health (INSP), will be broadcast on national television. Other key features of this new tactics to prevent the establishment of an interministerial committee to find the best strategy for prevention. This committee will take, account of developments related to the number of confirmed cases. The government has also strengthened the monitoring system to identify those infected with the virus of our borders. The device mobilized 24/24 is twofold: to detect cases of influenza An in person from outside the country.
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Swine flu: the greatest invention of 2009!

The scourge of modern society is preparing for the event, which is probably the most dangerous thing that can happen to humanity since the last major disaster: the beginning of the swine flu vaccination.

"The front page article, published on AOL this morning entitled" 2,000 students from the University of Washington have the swine flu. "

The article says that "more than 2,000 students from the University of Washington came with the swine flu symptoms only during the first week of school, officials said Friday the school" (emphasis added).

The symptoms of swine flu. What does this mean? A runny nose? Clearly this information comes from an internal report (because much of the "information" we have in the swine flu), which means that most student were probably contaminated during the first week 'class'' and blamed these potential flu-like symptoms of swine - for that is exactly what he said.

There's more information in this article to stoke fearing that serve no purpose other than to spread the means of propaganda, to prepare the American public to the imminent arrival of the swine flu vaccines, a physician which injected into the near future.

The article continues, "a presidential panel estimated that more than half the U.S. population could be infected with H1N1 this year." Oh my God, really?

Read about the Health Minister of Australia said on swine influenza:
"In Australia, the arrival of the winter season, the Health Minister Nicola Roxon reassure parents that the swine flu is more dangerous than regular seasonal flu." Most people, including children, experience symptoms very mild and recover without medical intervention yard, "he said."

The article goes onto say that swine flu is more dangerous than any other seasonal influenza, and probably ultimately responsible for a hundred deaths in the United States. Meanwhile, we are more than 75 million dollars to be injected with a mass vaccine proved dangerous to the nervous system.

Working in marketing, I know what a "pre-sale" when I see it. The pre-sale is a very powerful tactic of sales in which a source that seems honorable (ie, the target audience tends to trust the source) begins to subtly trying to convince the victim, ER, the client that the following and interesting product or service is to increase the probability of selling the product once in the market. defines the pre-sale as:
2) promote (a product not yet on the market) through advertising.
3) the condition (a potential customer) in advance for the purchase of a product.

"But the swine flu vaccine is not a product", you say, "that is supposed to save millions of lives!"

First, health officials and many medical professionals do not agree - and I bet most of them are afraid to speak. Secondly, the vaccine, in absolute terms is a product, and pharmaceutical companies to rescue the thousands of millions of dollars in the future sale of swine influenza vaccines.

The "pandemic" is just a combination of a very good marketing by pharmaceutical companies, and the range of fear by a group of lemmings, the media, maintaining their position in our society to spread fear, misinformation and half truths ..

Most people in the media are simply stupid, irresponsible at best. Moreover, pharmaceutical companies are greedy for money fully murderers, the real "plague" of other human beings (if one can speak of human talk with them).

They use us as guinea pigs for their benefit.

It's hard to blame the stupidity of the American people, because it is one of the best marketing plans prepared and implemented in history, playing with the natural fear for their health.

How many parents will harm through ignorance to the health of your child, ironically, trying to protect? What is the health of future generations with our human medical experiments?

I have no doubt that future generation will look back in recent decades as an atrocity in the annals of human history, because that the shock treatments and lobotomies to treat "mental illness" that were largely invented .
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What about 0825302302?

The number 0825302302 is the National Intelligence AH1N1 influence.

After a telephone conversation Wednesday, June 17th, I discovered that this information service for avian AH1N1 depends entirely on what to expect.

The support is fast and pleasant home, see reassuring.

The information provided, it appears, first on AH1N1 flu symptoms, then what to do if symptoms of avian AN1N1.

One point on which my partners, in particular, emphasized: "Do not confuse the symptoms of hay fever with possible influence AH1N1" he said.

He also must remember the acts of hygiene in preventing influenza AH1H1, like washing hands regularly, to ventilate the living space as often as possible, but avoid contact with patients.
If in doubt about the possible contamination with the virus AH1N1 you must quickly contact the physician referral or 15 (UAS).
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swine flu: Summary of symptoms and useful numbers.

In recent months, the avian AH1N1 Etas appeared in Mexico and the U.S.. It is then registered in France but also in many countries.

The symptoms of avian Porcine/AH1N1, what kind of seasonal influenza:

- Fever above 38 °,

- Headache, sore throat,

- Muscle aches and joint pain,

- Runny nose

- And sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.

Of course, if you've been in contact with someone with AH1N1 virus, it is very likely that you are also contaminated.

One of my friends had all these symptoms and not go to her méDecin.Elle was treated and cured only in a semaine.Est It means that the influence was "normal." As you can tell the difference between ordinary flu and swine flu? This may be more case of people who do not consult and take care of themselves without consulting your doctor and therefore do not count?

Hello, I live in Algiers and we have two confirmed, cases. I will use this site because I am worried about my sister, who suffers from headaches, pain, nausea, runny nose, headache, sore throat and shortness of breath, mild fever. He did not see doctors because it believes that a saison influence. The ways in our country is not very developed, I hope you answer me. Thanks in advance

My partner and I plan to go on vacation 4 days in England, the last week of August (going to be with friends). Given that Britain is the European country worst hit by the virus and the number of contamination risks, according to the British authorities to improve very quickly at the end of August, we invite you to keep or cancel our trip? Thanks for your reply.
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Of swine influenza: drastic measures in China before school

China, which has recorded over 2,500 cases of swine flu, but not dead, will be subjecting to strict measures to limit the spread of the H1N1 virus at the beginning of classes.

The Chinese authorities have established a series of drastic measures to limit the spread of the pandemic of swine influenza in schools, if necessary, authorizing a postponement of the date of the 'school year, official Xinhua news agency reported Sunday.

Department of Education and Health have issued a memorandum requiring all students who have been in contact with patients infected with influenza A (H1N1) remain at home for at least seven days, the agency said. Students who have symptoms of swine influenza seven days before school was allowed to return to school after having been completely renovated, the source said.

In areas seriously threatened by the epidemic, the education authorities have received the green light to postpone the date of the school, which usually takes place on 1 September.

The authorities have also asked school officials to limit the large outdoor gatherings and reduce the number of students per class. Parliament also called for better prevention, which requires daily medical checks students.
According to latest figures provided by the Minister of Health of China has seen a total of 2537 cases of swine flu, but there were no deaths due to the virus.
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Schools are ready for influenza H1N1

Learning to contain the virus H1N1 (swine flu in humans) and other influenza viruses is a key lesson for students, teachers and principle, who return to school this week.

Schools and school board across the province have received updated information that will help prevent illness, to recognize the symptoms of the virus and understand the importance of establishing good communication with those responsible for public health and parents.

Information kit for schools on H1N1 influenza, prepared by the Ministry for the Promotion and Protection of health, they also offer advise on what to do if the children and staff got sick at school.

"The resources of information we provide to school to raise awareness and provide tips to help families and school staff to reduce the risk of disease," said Maureen MacDonald, Secretary of Promotion and protection of health.

It urges schools to monitor unusual levels of absenteeism between staff and students and to report those responsible for public health, and to ensure that effective measure be taken to prevent the disease. It encourages, staff and students to adopt good hygiene practices regarding hand washing, coughing and sneezing, and asks schools more frequently to clean computer keyboards, desks, phones, sporting goods, ramps on buses and door handles.

"Together, they have developed or are completing plans for a pandemic," said Marilyn More, Minister of Education. Everyone has worked hard to ensure we are prepared, where possible. We continue to work together and be vigilant to ensure that minimize the impact of this virus in our public schools and our institutions of higher education. "

"The health and safety of our students and our staff is our priority."

Nova Scotia are encouraged to take the following precautions to prevent the disease

- Wash hands often with soap and water, especially after sneezing or coughing. If you do not have easy access to water and soap, is acceptable to use the hand sanitizer alcohol.

- Cover your mouth with your arm or sleeve of coughing and sneezing.

- If you use a tissue, throw outright away and wash your hands.

- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

- Home Stay Contact useless if you're sick and other limitations. Back to school or work, when you feel better and can participate fully in daily activities.

- If you need advise or medical care, contact the Info-Sante 811. As with any other disease, if your symptoms worsen, consult your doctor or visit a clinic appointment.

It also calls on schools to inform staffing on proper cleaning techniques, including the bus. Teachers and administrators need access to information enabling them to recognize the symptoms of influenza and to determine when it is necessary to isolate students who become ill at school.
A packet of information for universities and schools, universities and the private sector, was prepared and sent to college. Private schools also receive the packet of information.
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The symptoms of influenza A H1N1

For an accurate diagnosis of influenza, only a doctor can clarify the case of influenza A.

Your doctor may, according to the latest information to diagnose his own case of influenza or influenza (normal), and has sent samples to a laboratory that can lead to biochemical tests to confirm whether the case of influenza A.

Typical symptoms of influenza A H1N1 is the same as the normal flu season, here are the symptoms:

Note: These symptoms are not always together and may be absent, for example, in 93% of cases of influenza A symptoms include, fever, cough 89%, 53% of muscular pains, etc..

- High fever (above 39 ° C) when there is a fever that appears quickly and abruptly, associated with chills, due to a spike in fever, but be careful, because sometimes, fever may be absent or very mild ( especially in the elderly). It is estimated that 93% of cases of flu, people have a fever.

- Cough, cough is present in about 90% of cases, so it's a very important symptom of influenza A.

- Headache important

- Significant or extreme fatigue

- Pain in joints, stiffness of limbs (legs, for example),

- Sore throat

- Cold

- Nausea
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The symptoms of swine flu and precautions

Burning fever is spreading in India as a whole. This probably help to know the symptoms and basic precautions to be taken.

The symptoms of swine flu 2009

The symptoms 2009 of influenza H1N1 in humans are similar to symptoms of seasonal flu and fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches, headache, chills and fatigue. A significant number of people have been infected with the H1N1 influenza virus also reported diarrhea and vomiting again. Groups at high risk of new influenza H1N1, is not known at this time, but may be the same for seasonal influenza can.

Warning of a state of emergency

If you get sick, experience, and one of the following and warning signs, seek emergency medical attention.

In children, are warning signs of an emergency, immediate medical attention:

1. Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing

2. Blue or gray

3. Drink plenty of fluids

4. Severe or persistent vomiting

5. Not awake or no interaction

6. I'm going to be so angry, the child will not be responsible

7. Flu-like symptoms, but then increases the rate of return of fever and cough worse

In adults, are warning signs of an emergency, immediate medical attention:

1. Difficulty breathing or wheezing

2. Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen

3. Dizziness

4. Mess

5. Severe or persistent vomiting

6. Flu-like symptoms, but then increases the rate of return of fever and cough worse

End swine influenza Maintain basic precautions

The swine flu symptoms 2009 in India spreads like wildfire, bringing the number to ten. Officials say there are now over 800 cases of the H1N1 strain of influenza in India. Governments around the world seeking the means to fight this deadly disease. What can you do to protect yourself? Keep calms and practice these 10 tips for effective prevention.
1. Wash your hands often.

Use antibacterial soap to clean your hands. Wash frequently, at least 15 seconds and rinse with water.

2. Get Enough Sleep
Try to stand 8 hours of sleep a night, so that the immune system fight the flu, the highest form of get.

3. Hydration
Drink 8-10 of water per day to eliminate toxins from your system and to keep moisture and a good production of mucus in the sinuses.

4. Strengthen the immune system
Keep the body strong, nourished and ready to fight infections, the prevention of influenza is important. Then continue with a colored grain, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.

The government is taking measures to prevent a pandemic and guidelines to keep the issue of the pandemic there. Please be sure to provide information and act to keep quiet.

6. Avoid drinking alcohol
Besides being a depressed mood, alcohol, an inhibitor of the immune system actually decrease the resistance to viral infections, such as pigs can influence. So stay away from alcohol, so that the immune system can be strong.

7. Physically active
Moderate exercise can help the immune system by increasing the circulation and the body with oxygen. For example, brisk walking for 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a week significantly immunity Perk.

8. Away from the people remain poor
The virus is spread when the particles released into the air by coughing or sneezing in someone join Neubauten € ™ s nose. So if you're around someone who is sick, stay to prevent a few meters from them and, above all, physical contact.

9. Knowing when to ask for help
Ask your doctor if the cough and fever, and follow the instructions prescribed medications, including how.

10. Avoid congested areas
Try to avoid unnecessary trips outside. Also, avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
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The main symptoms of influenza


All with the flu have a fever, which is one way our bodies fight infections. Viruses and bacteria do not grow as well, if our body temperature is higher than normal, and the immune system of the organism is active when you have a fever. Thus, the fever to fight infections is good. May, on the other side, too bad and accelerate dehydration. The "best" temperature balance of benefits and losses between 100.5 ° C and 101 ° C by mouth. If it is taken rectally, broaden the range of intermediate


Almost all influenza patients developed a cough. A wet cough is one that produce phlegm or mucus, while a dry cough serve no more useful purpose. The most important thing is too clear the airways of mucus and other debris collected, which help to collect in health and disease. Here, the cough is helpful. In addition, if the cough is not due to mucus, but due to the irritation of sensitive tissues lining the airways, a cough that may well cause damage to an utility service. The vigorous and intense contraction of the back, abdominal and intercostal muscles appear more than once that the cough may bruise or tear. This lead to shortness of breath, or if these areas are pressed with fingers. As an excessive dry cough can be dangerous, we delete them. In addition, our goal is to promote wetting cough to help ridding the body of mucus and dirt.

Then in patients with infections of the ears, nose, throat or sinuses, cough, mucus when irritated tissue found its place in the bronchi. Cough here is best treated with an antihistamine and decongestant, instead of a drug against cough.

The cough is one that we want to eliminate, and the cough is the wet, we want to promote.


If a person has difficulty breathing, difficult time, always a hint of satisfaction. The feeling of the air as if it was not enough. Sometimes this symptom is to be an asthma attack or, when the airways go into spasm tightening. When this occurs, the patient breathes with difficulty in breathing by inhaling and exhaling. The taller of the wheezing, the narrowest airway.
For certain other causes of shortness of breath, open the airway, and the problem is deep in the lungs to the accumulation of fluid or pus. These are serious complications of influenza. Therefore, shortness of breath developing in a patient with influenza should be considered as speedily as possible from a doctor or hospital.
Pneumonia usually causes the patient has a wet cough with excessive mucus. The mucus is clear or colored and can be thick or thin. Pneumonia as those developed during the pandemic with a high risk of dying, if possible, they need a health professional.
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This is a bad cold or the flu?

There are several ways to tell the difference between the influence and less severe disease. First, unless there are other casing of influenza in the area, the disease is probably not the flu. Colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, ear infections, sore throat and can leave their things lying low, are less severe. Influenza is a severe disease in comparison with the most common condition. Therefore, the severity of the disease is an important signal that the patient has the flu. Healthy people are sick with pandemic flu is so sick and weak, have difficulty getting out of bed without assistance.

Influenza usually starts in the nose with sneezing and runny nose. They are sore throats, fever and muscle aches and pains to follow. Over the next two days, the virus moves into the lungs causing and coughing, fever, headache and general weakness. If a suitable access replaced the virus to the body through the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea.
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The Great Influenza Pandemic Flu

The Great Influenza Pandemic Flu
E 'in the nature of all influenza pandemics to cause disease and death. About seasonal influenza, most patients with pandemic influenza will be at home with his family and friends will be treated. This manual was written to take care of patients with influenza patients with mild to severe at home without medical training.
A pandemic lasts 12 to 18 months at this time half the people on Earth who are sick. It is often mild to moderate disease, but some are very sick. This guide will help you take, care of these people at home using simple methods and not rely on medicines, medical devices or medical training.
Sometimes, during a severe pandemic, hospitals will be filled with sick and dying from lack of space for new patients. Access to doctor may be limited. Medical care and medicines may be low. When these things happen, like people, you will find medical education unprecedented, very hurt by their parents and friends who under normal circumstances would be treated by a doctor at the hospital. Home cares, although not to the standards of hospital care, but can be very effective. The simple methods in this guide are those that use the power of patients with the most common causes of preventable deaths from influenza, such as prevention,

What is good home care "for flu?
Good home cares is nine parts common sense and simple practice of medicine. Caring for someone with the flu will be a familiar task for those who care for their families to health in the past, because along with simple processing techniques.

Treatment of influenza Kit
Proper care for families and friends of the sick birds is a task that is easier with a good supply of select prescription drugs, medical equipment and parts of the food or hardware store. These elements are the mainstay of treatment for influenza Kit (FTK).

Treatment of influenza Kit items for one person
Grocery Products
• Table salt: 1 pounds (for the production of oral rehydration solutions for gargling and nasal wash)
• Table sugar: 10 kg (for the production of oral rehydration solutions)
• Baking soda: 6 oz (for the production of oral rehydration solutions and nasal wash)
• Bleach, odorless 2 gal (for purifying water and cleaning contaminated, objects)
• caffeinated tea bags or dry loose: £ 1 (for the treatment of respiratory symptoms)
• Two 8 oz plastic bottle nipples1 level (for the administration of oral rehydration solutions, or seriously ill)
• Two bottles of 16 oz plastic nozzle with adjustable compression s (for the administration of oral rehydration solutions for the disease)
• Two Kitchen measuring cups with over 500 cup cc (two) of capacity (for measuring many things)
• A set of kitchen measuring spoons 1 / 8 C. Te con 1 cucchiaino di brodo (per le soluzioni orali e dosaggio)
• Fifty Straws (for administering fluids easier)
• A style of composition of the book (for the operation of a medical history) in patients
• Teakettle2 () steam

FTK Items found in pharmacy
• Vaseline 4oz3 (for lubrication of tubes, suppositories, and skin protection)
• pure cocoa butter 2 oz4 (for the production of suppositories and skin treatment and protection)
• An accurate bathroom scale (to weigh)
• Two electronic thermometers5 (custom) temperature
• Automatic monitoring of blood pressure (to measure blood pressure)
• Humidifiers (to increase the moisture from the patient)
• ease cutting pill (to reduce the dose, if desired)
• 1 box of Latex gloves # 100, (to reduce pollution and the spread of viruses and bacteria)

Without a prescription
• 200 mg of ibuprofen (Motrin ®) # 100 tablets (for treatment of flu symptoms)
• diphenhydramine (Benadryl ®) capsules of 25 mg # 100 (for the treatment of flu symptoms)
• Robitussin DM ® Cough syrup or disadvantages) for its generic equivalent (12 oz) (for the treatment of cough
• 500 mg of acetaminophen (Tylenol ®) # 100 tablets (for treatment of flu symptoms)
• Loperamide 2mg # 100 tables (for diarrhea and abdominal cramps)
• Meclizine 25mg # 100 tablets (for nausea and vomiting)

FTK Items found in hardware
• N-95 masks # 20 (2Box) (to reduce the spread of the disease and the patient)
• 50-liter plastic garbage container with a solid (used to store drinking water)

Abbreviations: lb = pound, oz = oz, gal = gallon, # = number, cc = cubic centimeters, c. = Teaspoon of tea, c. = Tablespoon, mg = milligrams, h = hours

Useful home care medical procedures
The home care workers are better able to assess and treat their patients, learning some simple medical procedures. This includes the patient's vital signs of signs: pulse, blood pressure, temperature, weight and respiratory rate. Blood pressures is easily measured with an automatic control of blood pressure. Follow the instructions to learn how to use the device. The impetus has given to the reading of the sphygmomanometer. It cans be measured directly the pulse on your wrist and count how many shots to spend 15 seconds multiplied by 4 The temperature is measured directly with a digital thermometer. The patient's weight is measured on a scale of standards and best taken with the patient lightly dressed without shoes and in each same time, every day. Observe and count the breaths, for 15 seconds are taken and multiplied by the number 4, the breathing of the patient. "La pratica rende perfetti" si riferisce alla formazione e al perfezionamento di tali competenze.

How is influenza spread from person to person
Do not worry about contact with the concerns of influence, because it will lead. Almost everyone is vulnerable to a new strain of influenza. There is nothing unusual about this, pandemics are events that occur regularly, with a passport from an average of 3 times every century. Humanity is well prepared to suffer from this pandemic, and jump as we have often in the past. Pandemic flu is very contagious, it is natural that most of the population of the HIV virus before it is put under control by the immune system of the body. About half of those exposed to the virus have flulike symptoms, and the other half will be very little or even no symptoms. Thus, while all are vulnerable to a new strain, for reasons I do not understand half of today, only of people exposed to the disease.

Another influenza pandemic is so easily passed from person to person that person are living with HIV are asymptomatic for one or two days after the beginning of the spread of the virus. Once symptoms begin, adults shed virus for about five days, but children and people with immune deficiency of two week's can make.

The most common way to get the flu is by breathing the virus. Coughing or sneezing, as the virus enters the air. Influenza could spread when someone touches someone or something is a virus that life in it. Here, the disease is, access to the main body through the mouth, enter the intestine. Alle condizioni di calore e umidità, il virus influenzale può Rimanere su superfici quali controsoffitti o maniglie pochi giorni infettive. In winter you can remain infectious in cold water for a month. If you can keep the sick with the flu can put a patient in the neighborhood. However, if you do not need to take to help a sick relative or friend with the virus, this strategy is feasible. Ultimately, many people tend to be exposed to the virus. It 'only a matter of time.

The use of latex gloves and a mask, N-95 face in caring for the sick mask and clothing, gloves and shoes when you leave the area of a patient is a means of protecting the parts of the house where the people live in good health. In reality, a person, the pandemic influenza is very contagious, care for the sick in their homes have been repeatedly exposed to the virus to take, no matter what you measure. Activities such as patient care in the bathroom, change clothes and wash the dirty clothes, or just to breathe the air near the disease led to the request. Most people are exposed to one or more family members or friends to care for patients during the pandemic, it is unlikely to be avoided.

Coughing and wash hands
Two simple but effective tips to reduce the spread of the virus from the nose and mouth with a cloth or a tissue when coughing or blowing your nose and wash your hands after contact with a patient. Coughs or sneezes in his hand is not recommended because the virus has, spread to all persons likely to contact you. However, if the fabric is not available, cough or sneeze into the inside the elbow or the sleeve of his arm. Use soaps, water and a cloth to wash their hands or use alcohol gel without water again.

The virtue of purity
To celebrate To help reduce the virus at home, sick, clean and dry. Patient should be linen and bathroom in good condition. The distribution of these areas is important, and, if possible, increase the natural light of the atmosphere. Dirty clothes and clothing should be washed and dried, can be a difficult task when there is an interruption of electrical service and water. It 'important to wash these soiled items in hot water and soap and bleach, if possible. Dry these items in the sun is based on a strong antiseptic action of UV light. A line of washing very important to have at hand.

Hard surfaces should be cleaned with soap and clean water, then sprayed with 1:10 bleach in water solution and wipe again. Leave the bleach solution remain on surface for 30 seconds before removing them to ensure that all the infection has been removed. This technique can effectively remove all traces of infectious virus particles and bacteria on surfaces in contact with bodily fluids, vomit and excrement.
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Emergency Preparedness at Home

Being prepared for the swine flu

When the plague pandemic of influenza is moderate or severe
It 'a good idea to offer in hand to be prepared. If there is an emergency situation, there is a lack of May, Or you may also sick of going to the store.

Here is a list of products recommended is at hand if of a severe pandemic:


  • Ready to eat canning meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, beans and soups
  • Protein or fruit bars
  • Dry cereal or granola
  • Peanut butter or nuts
  • Dried fruit
  • Biscuits
  • Juice Box N
  • Bottled water
  • Canned or glass baby food and formula
  • Pet food

Drugs and supplies:

  • Prescribed medical supplies such as glucose and blood pressure monitoring devices
  • Water and soap or alcohol-based disinfectant
  • Drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen for fever
  • Thermometer
  • Or anti-diarrhea
  • Vitamin
  • O fluids with electrolytes
  • Do not use detergents / SOAP
  • Flashlight
  • batteries
  • N. Phones, batteries or crank radio
  • Manual can opener
  • Trash bags
  • Tissues, toilet paper, diapers
  • No mask or N95 respirator

Remember to develop an emergency plan with your employer in advance if you or your child is ill. Telecommunications jobs if possible. Guard ado have their sick children, not at home when your stay.

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Move Over Dennis Miller - I have a couple of things about health, fitness and nutrition say

It's timing to get rid of several things about health, fitness and nutrition. Not agree with all (or!) Of this paragraph, but I hope that will make you think!

Rant # 1 - Why is everything, or make us fat causes cancer?

It seems that you cannot eat or drink these days without being told that makes us fat or cause cancer.
We try to eat less fat, eat canned tuna, and we have mercury poisoning. We eat fruits and vegetables for vitamins and fiber and pesticides, please give us cancer. We eat chicken, and we're angry chicken disease, and now the farmed salmon is the swine flu. The wine is good or bad for you that you eat with cheese and crackers!
This is indeed the good old days where you eat the cake too fat and you get sick of eating too much paint on the walls? Now I can listen to the concerns of cancer of cancer.

Rant # 2 - Low carb beer

Which beer company seriously believe that people think they want to sell beer diet? For all their talk that they forgot about 1 gram of carbs in a tablespoon less than the other, it seems that alcohol is actually in the product that make you fat!
Not only that alcohol is basically snuffing enzymes, burn fat, is also preferably stored as fat and significantly impairs the production of your body's muscle-building hormones such as testosterone.
I think that "low carb" sounds rather watered. "We also added caffeine and Gatorade, and has been described as' beer of high performance."

Rant # 3 - "Nutrient of the week" Train Marketing

Have you heard? Froot Loops are now in good health because they contain calcium, added! They contain calcium was added because someone decided to add a big bag of chalk to Goop sugar out of it. Now you can add to you're level of blood sugar crazy, ADD children with a clear conscience, because it is healthy, because football.
I await the day when a seller takes just a clever bit of chalk, blackboard and sells it like a football "troublemaker" for their coffee.
I like when a product that suddenly was announced over the past 30 years, is now "fat" or "low carb", but it always was, and everyone knows it. "Fat" or "low carb" Water is not a revolutionary product is the order of being.

However what really pastels are the producers of vitamins, said that pride in the train of nutrients, "Here I am jumping!" Tired all the time! "If the blocks are so highly compressed and cannot even read yet absorbed the mark to hit when they come out the other end (I know first-hand of a French boat or specialist, I know)!

Rant # 4 - Make Low-Carb Foods Carb-loading should not --

Orange juice was not only low in carbohydrates. I do not like what they say. If I want an orange juice in carbohydrates, I would add my water instead of juice company paying the dividends, will join me and invite me extra for the privilege. The game is done, what can I say.

Rant # 5 - Trying to pass off as health food unhealthy
Roast pork Lite - now 25% less fat, sodium, cholesterol, lead and cyanide.

Even if you have a certain percentage of tissue in a bad mood, remove it from bad food is still a bad meal. And 'how to buy low in fat - is not lost. Now it's a beautiful name. In any case, it is so easy, fat, in part, going to reduce the supply of small, what's the point? Who sits down to eat only 3 hooks?

If you eat a meal that I know is wrong, is wrong, but sometimes I eat it anyway. I'm not an idiot. I will continue to unhealthy foods. Nobody puts a gun to his head to eat. I do not think for one second, which reduces some 'shortcomings' of a food in a way that is now "believe" in good health. "So, please, do not ignore this rubbish groped delicious, except for the flavor .

Rant # 6 - The Amazing diet patch

The only way to lose weight by diet and the patch, if you want that in your mouth. 'Nuff said.

Rant # 7 - urine expensive and record other Bashing
Some doctors believe that vitamin, taking only result in expensive urine. They believe that you have all the vitamins and minerals can be achieved in a balanced diet. Unfortunately, balanced diet is only a few people, if you try to take 3 courses on the table in one hand.

Go right to prescribe costly drugs to mask the symptoms, for people who need highly probable that the power behind is the quintessence of urine expensive, I think.

Then there is creatine. You can remember the enthusiasm of a few years ago, when some confusion "to say-there-to-the-facts" medium jumped on a story about the death of some high school wrestlers. Take creatine, the benefits should be killed so obviously improved. I was not sure that the operation of steam long ago in rubber suits are the heavy, and drinking water in sufficient quantity desperate to make weight for responding to a fight of it. Must have been an addition to the terrible, because there is no representative of catastrophic dehydration or heat stroke, the right is dead?

Let me be clear - there is nothing creatine dangerous. This is a natural substance in your body and into the crowd. It is for each piece of meat you eat. The only form of creatine would be interested if someone in a cube, he stood up.

Supplements appear on the first page when someone has to say something bad, whether true or not.
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