swine flu symptoms 2009 - The symptoms of swine influenza in children

As we all know, the symptoms of swine flu are usually the same symptoms as ordinary flu. In children, however, signs of distress and symptoms may vary. If your child has the flu, fever, it's important to be able to detect signs and symptoms as soon as possible. And 'good for you and your child is able to recognize early signs and be able to treat successfully.

Signs and symptoms are usually the same people in both young, old, middle-aged. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache and body aches. Diarrhea and vomiting are more common in children. There are also signs of emergency control in children. The CDC recommends that you search for a doctor immediately if your child / infant / child is one of the following symptoms:

Hey its better safe than sorry!
Today is Tuesday, we had a big party for our daughters christening on Sunday, many children, many adults! It turns out that a pregnant woman and two young children of today (confirmed on Friday he began to feel ill), the man was a party in the center of all visitors, including pregnant women. Any advice? I would be a warning to all our customers?

my son 4 years old last month I had a fever and out all the time brat terrible and unproductive cough. The document was shown twice to the flu and has returned because Negt chest x-ray and blood tests and is still saying it is a virus. So now we had to return today with another fever of 102.5, which seems to think they have the flu and shes going to go ahead and treat them well Tho for the return of all negative.No other evidence in our house is sick but I think the thing some advice?
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