H1N1 Influenza A, how to recognize symptoms in children

02 September 2009. Influenza A/H1N1 is the topic of the day but it's really hard to understand what are the really important things. I have 3 types of influenza viruses: A, B, C, the most common is the A. Within the different types of viruses are different in two structures: H (hemagglutinin), 16 in the virus types A and N (neuraminidase), 9 types, which are distinguished by numbers. It 'like cars: they make, model and type number. Our immune system produces antibodies against H and N structures that are unique and represent the protection.
The rapid spread of the virus and disease consequences, is favored by travel and trade. It takes a few hours by plane to carry the virus to Europe from America and a person with symptoms, not yet ill, may appear normal controls.

Pandemic means that a disease is rapidly spreading in the general population. This means that many people will fall ill at once: imagine what would happen if the emergency services find themselves with fewer people and, moreover, weakened by the "cold".
The sick child also needs assistance: parents may be absent from work or be distracted by concerns for their children. Sometimes, the person's age or of concomitant diseases, influenza can become a very serious illness: You must prepare the defense represented by the most appropriate vaccination and medicines.

Data on vaccine production, prepared by 3 companies well before the arrival of the virus, are reassuring: even if it is necessary to test individual lots, the effectiveness should be similar to that of other influenza vaccines, as well as the toxicity . The categories currently identified at European level for the initial phase of vaccination are pregnant women, children over 6 months with chronic illnesses, healthcare workers, and only then will precede with their plans. On strain of influenza virus in circulation is sensitive to the antiviral with only rare cases of resistance and therefore the scientific community is confident.

What are the symptoms important? Headache, fever, malaise, weakness, sore throat, colds, cough. Well-known symptoms, but in younger children need to pay attention to a strange irritability, crying, poor appetite, diarrhea and / or vomiting, even with moderate fever in children. More serious symptoms are difficulty breathing, "shortness of breath, bluish skin, numbness They are warning signs that signal the urgent need to control hospital.
In all cases not serious the first contact should be the pediatrician or family physician who is responsible under ministerial guidelines, to formulate the suspicion and assess the seriousness of the disease. In case of non-serious medical conditions is better not to go to the hospital because, although the organization of the structures, there is the danger of infecting or being infected.
Unfortunately, every day come new news that may change the scenario just described and the only certainty is that we must use many handkerchiefs.
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