Schools and school board across the province have received updated information that will help prevent illness, to recognize the symptoms of the virus and understand the importance of establishing good communication with those responsible for public health and parents.
Information kit for schools on H1N1 influenza, prepared by the Ministry for the Promotion and Protection of health, they also offer advise on what to do if the children and staff got sick at school.
"The resources of information we provide to school to raise awareness and provide tips to help families and school staff to reduce the risk of disease," said Maureen MacDonald, Secretary of Promotion and protection of health.
It urges schools to monitor unusual levels of absenteeism between staff and students and to report those responsible for public health, and to ensure that effective measure be taken to prevent the disease. It encourages, staff and students to adopt good hygiene practices regarding hand washing, coughing and sneezing, and asks schools more frequently to clean computer keyboards, desks, phones, sporting goods, ramps on buses and door handles.
"Together, they have developed or are completing plans for a pandemic," said Marilyn More, Minister of Education. Everyone has worked hard to ensure we are prepared, where possible. We continue to work together and be vigilant to ensure that minimize the impact of this virus in our public schools and our institutions of higher education. "
"The health and safety of our students and our staff is our priority."
Nova Scotia are encouraged to take the following precautions to prevent the disease
- Wash hands often with soap and water, especially after sneezing or coughing. If you do not have easy access to water and soap, is acceptable to use the hand sanitizer alcohol.
- Cover your mouth with your arm or sleeve of coughing and sneezing.
- If you use a tissue, throw outright away and wash your hands.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Home Stay Contact useless if you're sick and other limitations. Back to school or work, when you feel better and can participate fully in daily activities.
- If you need advise or medical care, contact the Info-Sante 811. As with any other disease, if your symptoms worsen, consult your doctor or visit a clinic appointment.
It also calls on schools to inform staffing on proper cleaning techniques, including the bus. Teachers and administrators need access to information enabling them to recognize the symptoms of influenza and to determine when it is necessary to isolate students who become ill at school.
A packet of information for universities and schools, universities and the private sector, was prepared and sent to college. Private schools also receive the packet of information.
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