Swine flu update: Last month, the United States,

Swine flu update: Last month, the United States, the Federal Government has granted legal immunity to producers of swine influenza H1N1 vaccine, is an important step for those who generate the resources that have the largest line of defense motivation potentially deadly flu. If you paid with a huge reserve of federal funds for the pandemic, the official statement by the CDC, which provides the necessary legal armor to start the growth with the protection of human needs with a high risk of infection with swine influenza. Why pharmaceutical companies need encouragement to save the world? There are altruistic? It seems that the swine flu vaccine is not as profitable as ... Do things that pharmaceutical companies do when they have no vaccine against swine flu.

Keep waiting
Unfortunately, we have the first dose of the swine flu vaccine in October 2010. More bad news, because we hurry to get the vaccine for the port, which probably would not have been subjected to a series of vigorous tests of the vaccine against the past, seasonal influenza. Of course, some fear that the vaccine against swine influenza is reflected not be as efficient as a conscious step allowed. Others fear that allows manufacturers to encourage or even ignore the important tests of strength.

When patients receive the vaccine against swine influenza more than necessary to avoid infection, too many people for their vaccine shots to wait. Conversely, if the dose of vaccine is very low, the vaccine was developed in infected individuals. The old adage "to err on the safe side" comes to mind. But the line of prudence in the fight against the pandemic of swine influenza have been established in shades of gray.

The Board of Directors of swine flu tracker
Wash your hands. Cover your mouth when you cough. Stay home if sick. Tell your colleagues to go home sick. If you see a bad cough grass swine influenza without prey in mouth, she says, get these idiots ways. Friends Do not Let Friends Cross swine flu. But reading the swine flu tracker.
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