What symptoms are you? What are the precautions? Questions and answers from the Ministry of Health

What is Influemza fever?
The swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused acute type An influenza virus that cause influenza epidemics usually between pigs. Swine influenza viruses cause high levels of illness and low mortality in pigs. The swine flu virus can circulate between pigs in all months of the year, but most of these outbreaks occur in late autumn and winter, as well as with epidemics in human populations. Classical swine influenza virus (influenza A/H1N1 virus has been isolated for the first 30 beautiful years of last century.

How many swine flu virus?
Like all flu viruses mutate constantly even those swine influenza: Pigs can be infected with avian influenza viruses as well as those of swine flu. When influenza viruses from different species infect pigs, the virus can undergo phenomena of "reassortment" and new viruses that are a mixture of viruses in human / avian / swine may emerge. Over the years, there were several variants of influenza viruses of pigs at the moment, in pigs have been identified 4 main subtypes of influenza A virus: H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, and H3N1. However, the most recently isolated viruses in pigs were H1N1

The swine flu can infect humans?
The swine flu virus does not usually infect humans. However, you may experience sporadic human infections with influenza viruses of swine. Commonly these cases of human infection by influenza viruses of pigs occur in people with direct exposure to pigs (eg, workers engaged in farming and pig industry, attending trade fairs livestock).

What are the symptoms of swine flu in humans?
The symptoms 2009 of fever are similar to those of "classical" seasonal flu and include fever, drowsiness, loss of appetite, cough: Some people with swine influenza have also revealed a cold, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Like the seasonal influenza, swine flu can also cause worsening of pre-existing and chronic illnesses in the passed have been reporting of serious complications (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths associated with influenza virus-infected swine.

As to severe swine influenza in humans?
Like the seasonal influenza, swine influenza virus infection in humans can occur in mild or severe.

People can catch the flu swine eating pork?
No, the swine flu virus is not transmitted by food, not the flu can eat pork or pork products pork. Eating meat handled properly and cooked meat and meat products to swine. Cook the meat internal temperature of 70-80 degrees kills the virus of swine, as well as other bacteria and viruses.

How do you send the swine flu symptoms 2009?
Influenza viruses can be transmitted directly to humans from pigs and humans to pigs. Human infections with avian influenza viruses of swine origin most likely to occur in people who have been closing contact with pigs, as in farming or livestock exhibitions. E 'possible transmission from person to person. I believed that to happen with the same mode of transmission of seasonal influenza, which is spread through droplets of nasal-pharyngeal secretions with cough and sneeze. People can also become infected by touching surfaces contaminated with infected secretions ee then put in the mouth and nose in his hands. That is why hand washing is a very important measure to reduce the risk of infection.

The virus of this epidemic in Mexico and the USA is contagious?
There is evidencing, established by the CDC of the United States of America, the virus responsible for cases in the United States is spreading from person to person, however this is not possible to know how easy it is the broadcast.

As you can diagnose the infection by swine influenza virus in humans?
For the diagnosis of swine influenza An is necessary to collect a sample of respiratory secretions (nasal or pharyngeal swab) within the first 4 - 5 days of symptom onset (when it is most likely the person removes the virus). However, some people and especially children can eliminate the influenza virus for 10 days and more. The identification of swine influenza virus requires sending the sample to a reference laboratory Influnet network, coordinated by the Higher Institute of Health ..

What drugs treats infections with swine flu in humans?
There are different types of antiviral drugs for treatment of influenza: amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir. While most of the swine flu virus have been proving susceptible to all four drugs, swine influenza viruses recently isolated from humans are resistant to amantadine and rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir are therefore only recommended for the treatment and prevention of 'Human influence swine flu symptoms virus

How many outbreaks of swine influenza known?
Probably the best known is the epidemic that struck the soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey (USA) in 1976, with about 200 cases between soldiers in the field. The virus causes disease with radiologically obvious signs of pneumonia in at least 4 soldiers and 1 death: all were affected previously healthy. The virus was transmitted through close contact during the training sessions, with limited transmission outside that context. I believed that the virus has been circulating for a month to disappear spontaneously. The source of the virus, the exact time of its introduction at Fort Dix, and factors that may have influenced its spread and duration are the unknown. The epidemic was probably caused by an animal virus introduced in the context of particular crowded in winter. The swine flu virus isolated from soldiers at Fort Dix was named A / New Jersey/76 (Hsw1N1). The episode was the basis for an expanded influenza vaccination campaign in 1977.
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