The symptoms flu symptoms of type 2 diabetes about

Diabetes is a disease caused by a diet too rich in carbohydrates for a long period of time. Ultimately, high-carbohydrate diet leads to a condition called insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is the result of increasing the body stops producing insulin in an attempt to maintain normal blood glucose. The body does this because the digestive process converts carbohydrates into sugar, which goes directly into the bloodstream.

Insulin resistance as you move the results in many symptoms, one of which is high leveling of sugar in the blood called "diabetes."

Not all experiences of all these symptoms and there is a specific sequence in which these symptoms occur. Some symptoms may appear before the level of sugar in the blood than normal and may not appear until the level of sugar in the blood increased.
"The high rate of insulin, low insulin levels is not the problem associated with the origin of type II diabetes, and high insulin levels are more difficult to detect, because it is normal that the rate of insulin to increase many circumstances . The slightly higher level of insulin causes weight gain slow, a slight increase in blood pressure, slow changes in cholesterol and the beginning of the formation of arterial plaque.
"One by one, the diagnosis of obesity, hypertension, abnormal cholesterol levels and heart disease are made without taking into account the fact that they are all linked to higher levels of insulin and others. If the basic physiology is not correct, type II diabetes is likely to be diagnosed later.
"The physical changes that occur when you have high insulin levels are so subtle and dangerous for so many years it takes about ten to thirty years of their blood sugar levels after an increase early changes in insulin started. When diabetes Type II is diagnosed, chronically high insulin levels are a lot of metabolic damage - although this seems to happen overnight. "
the second law of Schwartzbein transition Schwartzbein Diana, MD
In an attempt to reduce the symptoms of insulin resistance, or to keep out the symptoms are often treated with drugs, medicines or insulin. Addressing the symptoms does nothing to cure the underlying disease cause, and if the situation continues to deteriorate, often resulting in more drugs, while maintaining the symptoms "under control".
You get so mad that person with diabetes can eventually be required for different drugs for blood sugar, and other medicines for high triglycerides and another for high cholesterol and other blood pressure medications . However, none of these drugs address or correct the cause of the disease of diabetes, insulin resistance!

If you do not already, you can turn around their state of diabetes and improve their overall health by obtaining a high protein / low carbohydrate diet, taking nutritional supplements properly, and put the little 'exercise in your life!

Although changes in diet and proper nutritional supplements have an important effect in controlling blood sugar naturally, without drugs or insulin, exercise can contribute significantly to the overall control of diabetes, as seen in After his passage:

"Although many people may begin to have a sense of responsibility - such as children who do not eat vegetables - the main reason to keep the exercise is that it feels good."

"In general, people who exercise regularly are better equipped to perform daily activities such as age.

"A big advantage is that many people find that when they exercise, have less desire to overeat."

"Even if the fat does not" break up "exercise, especially if you are a person with diabetes type II, is a value in a program to reduce weighting because of muscle building by reducing insulin resistance.

"How to increase muscle mass, insulin requirements are reduced - and less insulin in the blood, reduces the number of fats stored.

"As a result, their own insulin production gradually becomes more effective in lowering blood glucose.
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